He doesnt want a "beef" with me,and then he just doesnt stop fucking talking about me everywhere..

Aug 15, 2008 23:20

Youre a complete asshole Moron,and all you want is attention,and its like youre mad everyone hates you,so you stir up the shit on purpose.
Now the MUCC fandom is bitching about what an asshole YOU are,aqnd i have nothing to do with MUCC,and you have to wonder why everyone hates you whereever you go.
Cannot all be me if i have nothing to do with the MUCC fandom .

And we know all about the posts on twilighthush,AND the ones on your MUCC myspace,and then you say you dont discuss me everywhere?I have seen no less than 10 of them in the last 6 mos so..

And the one you tried to post on miss thrillz blog,but she wouldnt let you,was a few weeks ago she told me..
..but then you say you are not discussing me EVERYWHERE..?!?!
could have fooled me.

I do not discuss you,or even think about you ,unless this shit is pointed out to me.
You are NOTHING,and sadly,you are the only one who doesnt get it .
We are not all elitist bitches,we just all really do know more about it than you do..

So are you obsessed enough or what ?
Dirs fucking management told you to shut the fuck up about me even ..to leave me alone ...
I think i need to get a lawyer and sue his ass for defamation already.


*rolls eyes*
check out how nuts he is ..
I am taking it all to the cops AGAIN..As my printer works now!!


Email #1
From: "Yiff In Hell" god.hates.furfagz at gma
To: dieseyes
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 00:36:35 -0700
Subject: lol, why's that furfag even bother...
I thought these would interest you since we share a common enemy.



And burning and handing out CD's? LOL, he needs to get v& by the RIAA.

http://anti-an-hero.livejournal.com/ - It seems the faggot even managed to make enemies with a magazine in his own city, lol dumbass!

By the way, my name's Karen.

He mentioned you when I was trawling him before he an hero'd his myspace, obviously not wanting to leave behind any proof about his illegal CD passing for Danger Crue to see.

My Reply :
Look ,no offense if you are legit,but this shit is old ...very old .
1-how did you get my email address ?
As i wouldnt put it past him to do this himself or put one of his friends up to it .He tried to do this once before..i am not that stupid .

And 2-I have seen most of what hes said,and i already have 2 police complaints against him,and not in ten years have i had to do that with a fan.Hes NUTS,,,and hes obsessed with me to the point that i think he could be a danger to me in an up close personal setting .He said he waqs going to get his 6 foot plus ,200 lb ,16 year old BF to beat me up if i went to dir hsows in portland or seattle.. ,and i am at the point where i am going to get a lawyer and possibly file a civil suit against him ,AND get a restraining order.As he just does not SHUT up about me,and Dirs own management told him to cease and dessist.
but he keeps it up ..over and over and thinks he gets away with it .Lets see how he likes being sued for MONEY for it .

and I have a lot more proof than that ,all the posts on miss thrills ,a few MUCC blogs and twilighthush .Hes a moron too...since he believes everything he hears about me,..his bad .
And I can prove hes a frigging pedophile , and i can find dozens more posts hes made about me if i just google it or scroll back on dirs offical BBS.. its easy to prove ..

Hes nuts,and i just do not care about this he needs to one up me crap anymore.So thanks but ,not interested in reading what a psychotic has to say about me .
Hes Dirs and Muccs fanbase' problems now ,and hes NUTS ..he needs serious help .

Email #2 :
Nope, very legit and not a furfag kthx... so he's a pedo too? Now I really hope his ass gets V& and Chris Hansen shows up. The faggot went on MUCC's blog bragging about how he was burning "Best Of" CD's of their music and handing that shit out to any stranger on the street who would take them, then when me and my friend tried to tell him what he was doing was illegal and wrong he just bitched back at us and told us we were elitist cunts. and deleted his myspace and with it any post about ever doing what he said. Me and several other people on MUCC's blog have already alerted Danger Crue about his illegal activities, we hope he gets arrested for unauthorized copying and distribution.


My Reply :
Hes been dating a 16 year old for months now,and then denies it ,when i saw the kid saying all this i love you and miss you and havent seen you in person for a day ,all over his seattle dir en grey myspace,with my own eyes.He deleted it all.I didnt hear about asll of this shit tough,i just kne he wsas discussing me on the mucc boards now.
What a joke he is.
But he crosses state lines with that kid , which can be a HUGE infraction .
I suspect he trolls myspace looking for little boys.
He completely made an ass of himself within the dir fandom with his fliers and all that hot topic shit, and he marched up and down the line at the show in seattle ,when they played last year.Trying to give out fliers he made up.No one would take them,and they misrepresented dir totally ,which pissed off free will america .He kept doing like the nazu sig heil arm movement, and yelled dir en grey dir en grey ,while he walked around outside waiting for door to open ..this calls me nuts ,ok .

Dirs management think hes NUTS,and warcom told him to leav me the fuck alone already .He is persona non grata.
And youre elitist cunts too ?
~shakes hands~
I am pleased to meet fellow elitist cunts !
I mean i have only followed dir in japan for ten fucking years,I sqw mucc as an indies band ,,i saw all of them as indies bands as far back as 2001,,but i have no idea what i am talking about as per this guy .
I am just an elitist because i know more about it than his stiupid ass does.
So I must be an elitist because i told him he was so very wrong about some things,,and i was nice....i tried to reason with him , at first .
So now youre all mucc elitists ?!
gosh golly ~

i mean only HE knows about any of this ?
yeah yeah
And if he harrasses you on line,,file a police report at your local station,no joke.He made 2 fake myspaces of me and mocked the fact i was a worker at the WTC on 911..and put sweastikas all over it.Hes nazi obsessed .
The police didnt take it too kindly.
and imean i have had some nuts after me over the years ,,NOTHING as bad as this guy .
google death2biggots
thats him too.

Email #3:(keep in mind that he just sent me numerous posts he made other places,all siting me,but he hasnt mentioned me in months ..
right ).

Nope, its actually me, and you failed the test.
But feel free to talk about me or not, as I don't care.
I've shut up about you for 6 months already.

My Reply :
You seriously need help asshole
you are insane and totally obsessed with me,and you just proved it again,and my printer works now,so i am bringing it all to the cops..
and i do think kuri is feeding you info,thats why you popped up again now .I have all of that on tape..
lots of luck

Email #4

lulz, like a care... you're so paranoid.
I already told you I've shut up about you for months.
Kuri is feeding me info??? The JShock lady? Pffff.
She prolly doesn't even know you exist.

I didnt ans,and i sent it all to gmail .
I mean is he nuts enough ?
Who the fuck does this,like he needs the attention .

months old links ?? July was weeks ago fool,and one of those posts is from july.So you have cognitive problems, on top of everything else,to be sure.
and if you died i wouldnt even care.
And she doenst know who i am ?
I got her entire Silver Ash tour cancelled back in 2003,and now she lies that she never said any of the stuff, she said and did to me..
SHES the one who started the i was over 40 rumor..didnt you know ?
she called Dir en greys management in japan asking i be banned form Dir lives in Japan .so she can lie she never said any opf that ,but even Sirs manager knows the truth about THAT. Hard to call Inoue a liar ,now isnt it ..
she used to call me on the phone and pick my brain about Yoshiki...then i mentioned one of his ex GFs names,and she turned around and stalked her ,to get closer to him.Not too shoddy

So she stalked me long before you did ,fool .
Then used the stuff she got from me, to advance herself. Shes the one who started all the shit about me inside soul seek too.Figures that you two would get along like a house on fire.

no ....hes not TOO NUTS
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