So Voxs real name is Harry......what's that short for ? Harold.....
*sniggers again*
And it seems he envisions himself a modern day Lenny Bruce of sorts(*cries laughing*)
,with a Henry Rollins edge ....
(Yer killin me with the laughs,I gotta tell ya.*wipes eyes*)
Except we all have heard of Lenny Bruce and Henry Rollins ....anyone here ever heard
of Harold before ,who will hither forth be known as
Pathetic Pox...
So Pox is a trust fund baby.So ,JUST Like Dick Hedd,he's never done an honest days work in his life.
Not surprising .
This also explains their parasitic relationship.
Dick Hedd uses Pox for money,and Pox uses Dick for this alleged cool
he thinks rubs off on him.
Errrm,who with in the REAL FILM MAKING INDUSTRY ,thinks Dick is ANYTHING
other than a fifth rate, poorly, indies ,bad porn maker ?
No one.
No one takes him seriously,especially since he IS IN HIS 50s ,and has yet
to do anything that even makes Larry Flint go ..."ugh".
Ummm hmmmm.I mean John Waters doesn't even talk to Dick anymore....
What ? You think I didn't know all of this ?Oh ,you did EERRRRR.....
So here we have Pox doing lame music in Brooklyn for 20 some odd years.
No one has ever even heard of his band,and I am an old groupie ?
I think not.
How lame is that ? Being a has been of....lameness.
And wait,isn't Dick *still* sniveling that Lydia Lunch ditched him for Henry Rollins?
And how did Lydia become famous ?
She was a nororious GROUPIE ,that fucked every band that ever played CBGBs
or Maxs,
and..... she was,a bit zaftic....like fat , if memory serves.
And Dick thought she ,and her very ,over used, by 1000s of punk rockers,
twat....., was the bees knees.
No offense to Lydia,but who is really calling the kettle, black ?
So ummm....Fuck you Pox.
You and Dick can only get very VERY used,klassless snatch...who think hanging
with N list people is impressive.
(I hung out with Henry a lot ,in both NY and LA ,btw......and he was always
cool to me,and I didn't have to bone his roadies to do it...duh).
But I heard Asia Argento ran for the hills when Dick stalked her....I wonder,,whhyyy.
And Henry MADE IT,in both film and music,and oh yeah,he wrote a book
he got paid for, that people_ actually_ READ.
Bahahahhahahaaahahaa !
So now ,if you read the dick hedd troll ramblings,all they talk about,besides me,is this
poor girl laurocco...
Seems she dated Pox,and she is a bit of a rev jerk look alike.
So Pox ,again,had to be just like Dick,and date a girl just like Dicks...
See,the problem was, L.aurocco had more sense and taste than REV JERK,and
she had the sense to dump Poxs ,ass YEARS AGO,but they still talk about her,attack her
make up pathetic shit about her,when she moved on ages ago,has a life,and couldn't
give a shit if Pox was hit by a really big bus.
So all I can conclude from all of this,is that since PATHETIC POX cannot seem to leave
me alone either,he,like Dick,must be in love with me....
Tsk tsk.
Pauvre Pox.
Pauvre Dick......makes me wonder if rev jerk, popartasshole and that brillo headed
douchy aren't in love with me too.
And now the new thing for these assholes to do,is to make nonsensical posts all over craigslist.
But given my profession ,I *think* I can report them for threatening to hurt me
for real ,which would be taken very seriously ,given what happened to that
poor girl.
And I have the 20+ posts on LJ from them,with some of those threats.
Ummm hmmmmm....
So let's play assholes.
This was a good start..and I am just getting started.
And if I ever see you on the street Dick ,I
WILL call the cops.
Try me..
I am betting you don't need another police report filed against you ..you're
probably still on probabtion . I will say you stalked me on line for the last 6 years.
And thing is,I have the posts to prove it,don't I...
~smiles sweetly~
Too bad,so sad....Harold ......
*walks away laughing my ass off*