On Writing Romance

Jan 31, 2010 13:21

As you all may or may not know I am currently in a creative writing class. The other night my professor said something that made me think. He said, "Falling out of love is much more interesting than falling in love." In a sense he does romance writing a dis-service. I disagree with his thoughts because, romance writing is not necessarily just about falling in love, at least to my way of thinking, rather it's about the events and occurrences that can lead us to others.

The ultimate question - what brings people together? As it happens that is what I like to ponder, and succinctly that is why I write romance. For example one of my as-yet-unpublished novels deals with two people brought together by a murder mystery and ghostly intervention.

I believe the possibilities are endless, and that is what makes romance writing interesting. People fall out of love every single day, and I'm sorry I do not think that is quite as interesting.

writing, romance

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