her name is quenthel baenre! ♥ and if anyone gets that reference, well then, dear sir, you are worthy of my eternal admiration.
to make a long story short, i found a brown widow spider in my apartment, and i decided to take her in x3 <3 i missed keeping wild spiders, she's so sweet and exciting! i watched her ravenously attack a cricket i gave her. it was fucking adorable. she's pretty big, actually~
also, yesss brown widows are highly toxic, but they rarely bite even when provoked [i mean, i harassed her today for like 10 minutes trying to get her out of the web at my apartment, and all she did was curl into a tighter and tighter ball]. also, they don't inject much venom into their bites so like. only old people and young children die from these guys, srsly. x3 and it's not like i'm inexperienced with venomous spiders, but this is one of the few i've actually found and been able to keep. strangely, mom didn't put up too much of a fuss! x3
aaand, the other day, i happened to find a little millipede on my door frame! i wish i had been able to keep him for a little while more, or at LEAST get some pictures of him with a macro lens, but i only had my regular 18-250mm telephoto :L anyway, these didn't come out TOO bad, but i really wish i had been able to take better ones. maybe i'll find another like him sometime :3 [it was so cute how he's go a couple inches, then stop and pick his head up and look around, then continue on his way and do it again xD ]
la la la, that's all the critters for now! <3