Hi! I like your layout, and your username, and your entry on 9/11. Heroes are good; people waking up after events like 9/11 or Katrina is even better. What kind of photography are you into? I haven't read much anime but one of my friends is writing an anime novel, and it's pretty good. He's looking for an artist for it, I think.
My degree is in Commercial Photography, but I specialize in Fashion and Glammor. :) Amusingly, even though that's my degree, I tend to focus more on my writing as well. (Kudos to your friend! It's a very crack-like world to be in.)
I don't mind adding you, but I don't update super often. :)
Oddly enough, I was a creative writing major in college, and now I do more photography than I do writing, although I'm really wanting to get back into writing. I like to take pictures of places, people, things - to convey some emotion. Maybe lately I've been trying to let my camera do all my writing for me.
I don't update that often myself, so that's quite all right. :) We sporadic updaters gotta stick together, and all. ;)
Comments 15
I don't mind adding you, but I don't update super often. :)
I don't update that often myself, so that's quite all right. :) We sporadic updaters gotta stick together, and all. ;)
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