(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 04:10

i made myself stay awake and now i can't fall asleep.
fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

i want to accomplish something one day.... or now would be nice.
come back i'm bored. and tired. and have the biggest craving for ice cream and moulin rouge, or big fish. possibly both? :)

First best friend: Um.. Saida will want to see her name, but I had like one of those family friends thing going on but I think a best friend is a real connection that can last even if left untouched for years... so Saida. :)
First car: Mini purple with green flames and green underbelly (???) Hot-Wheels Car,
First screenname:
First self purchased CD: Can't remember, I think it was the Spice Girls - cause they were super cool once.
First pets: I had this little kitty Sylvester who looked like the cartoon but was soo super nice and was always doing nice things, and and was nice to everyone unlike devil kitty and and..... we had to give him away
First piercing/tattoo: Just ears, and I'll probably get a tattoo one day - soon.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Midnight Oil, Fleetwood Mac, and the old/good Bon Jovi.

Last car ride: I don't get car rides - I have to walk or take the bus.
Last good cry: Been along time since I've had a good cry, lately I've been crying like there's no tomorrow but I don't like it.
Last movie seen on video: The Last Unicorn which is the best unicorn thing the 80's produced. Oh wait, I lied. I just sat through 4 hrs of Star Wars.
Last food consumed: Chips of some kind
Last time showered: Today..err... yesterday.
Last shoes worn: My converse with the pimpin' purple laces. Oooooh ya
Last disappointment: Not going to Disney on Ice to satisfy my Sno-Cone needs.
Last shirt worn: One armed black shirt thing??
Last website visited: Livejournal land
Last word(s) you said: "Meh I don't feel like moving but I will eventually"

What color socks are you wearing: NONE! I don't need your socks and clothing-esq ways!
What color of underwear are you wearing: Blue with a star made of little eyelets!! I love undies!
What's under your bed?: Junk, but I sleep on a desk so that's a given.
What time did you wake up today?: 8 mother fucking 30 am - damn kittie.

Where do you want to go?: Everywhere, so I can experience everything.
What is your career going to be?: I don't know yet... But I went to careercrusing.com and it said some fun stuff so I'll trust that.
Where are you going to live?: Somewhere W-A-R-M-E-R
How many kids do you want? I always wanted 2, but now I want 3, except I don't know if I even want to have children one day... I just kind of found out they grow up, and it doesn't sound too pleasant.
What kind of car(s): Something cool and fly.

Current mood: Hungry and bored and tired and murderish
Current music: Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
Current taste: Spit?
Current hair: Gross.
Current clothes: Jeans, undies, shirt and Kane's blue ghetto hoodie cause I'm just cool like that.
Current desktop picture: Kane's idea of a cool yellow background (It's a pokemon ball over and over and over and over and over again!)
Current color of toenails: Natural and white and yellowish? Eww nevermind that sounds icky - neutral.
Current hate: The rut you slip into, which ends up forcing you to do, say and things that you wouldn't normally, but do anyways (and only to that person) cause it's a fucking rut iand that's what they do.

Nervous Habits? I've found I bite and play with my lip, which is starting to get painful.
Are you double jointed? Yes - - and in all the right places baby... my fingers, mainly pinky :)
Can you roll your tongue? Ya HUH!
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Just my left, but I've always tried to raise my right especially by forcing it with my hands and then seeing if I can make it stay with my muscles - thus in turn eventually giving me the talent to raise my right eyebrow. IT MAKES SENSE TO ME, OK?
Can you blow spit bubble? No...
Can you cross your eyes? Yes!!
Piercings and where: Ears and my right - wait, no- left eyebrow. (Blame the mirror, he's the one you want.)
Do you make your bed daily? Oh you're cute... :) you ask like you expect a yes..
Which shoe goes on first? The right I think.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? No, but I've been threatening it alot lately. When my parents came in wasted, I threatened to throw shoes if they didn't shut up... and I threatened George Lucas through my Tv screen - I think enough threats count, so yes.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? None - lately.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My thin black choker.
Favorite piece of clothing? I like my Blondie shirt, and my new skirt.
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twist and SHOUT!
Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes... it was spamalicious
Favorite ice cream flavor? Don't have one - I like frozen yogurts and smoothies better.
How many cereals in your cabinet? 1, we just ran out, like everything else :(.
What's your favorite beverage? Smoothies and Strawberry or Peanut Butter Banana MILKSHAKES! and pina coladas...
What's your favorite restaurant? Amici's just cause it's good and famous peopshles eat there and i will be one day too (as in a peopshle)
Do you cook? No, just smooth-ify and bake with Saida and Sophia.

How often do you brush your teeth? Twice or once depending on how lazy I am, usually twice.
Hair drying method? Air, towel or blow dry. And I just realize those are the only methods. ha!
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yes, and it's the best thing in the world to do, I would highly reccomend it (next to YOUR MOM that is)
Do you swear? Fuck NO! Who the fucking hell do you think i am?
Do you ever spit? Not unless I HAVE to, cause it's grooody.

Animal? Kitty's until they turn into cats.
Food? Sushi!! mmmmmmmm......
Month? August. It's warm still and has some nice September/autumn qualities.
Day? Wednesday.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Jack and Sally, Alan Forbe's AFI Arty and Articia pe-ople, and...lots cause I'm a cartoon fiend.
Shoe Brand? left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot...
Subject in school? Art, maybe kind of - OH! Graphics.
Color? All. :)
Sport? Hockey and.. ya just hockey.
TV show? Sex and the City, CSI, uhhh...
Music? Ya, I got nothing for this answer. Everything I guess.
Person you talk most on the phone with? Ashish, but I don't talk to him on the phone much. IN fact, I'm never on the phone anymore. CALL ME!
Ever taken a cab? Why yes, how did you know?
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Totally, not all the or well not regularly like the question acutally ASKED but I'm vain and ugly (odd mix?) so yes.
What color is your bedroom? White and this sickening sky blue bullshit.
Do you use an alarm clock? No, I need to though.
Window seat or aisle? Window seats, fuck the people in the aisle seats. I WANNA SEE and still be able to go pee.

What's your sleeping position? On my side or whatever cause I wake up in various positions (heh sounds kinky)
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? ALWAYS. I can't sleep without one.
Do you sleepwalk? Nope, thank god.
Do you talk in your sleep? Oh God I hope not.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Not really, I love skunk but don't sleep with him. I hug the pillow alot, does that count?
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? sometimes. not really anymore though i like silence and darkness... heh

I just realized... How truly sad I've been lately. I hate crying. Funny how a quiz sparked a revelation.
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