So I went up to Circuit City yesterday to get my speakers installed in my car and Jimmy was working and the first thing he said to me when he saw me was "hey we're going to play football at 4 today if you wanna come" cause him and some of his buddies usually go play football on Sundays and I usually go watch them or whatever. So 4:00 rolls around and I go watch him and his buddies play football and then afterwards everyone goes home and it's just me and Jimmy, right? So we're standing there and he's like "so what are your plans for tonight?" and I said "nothing, as always" and normally at this point we'd agree that I'd go to his house and we'd go hang out or whatever, but tonight he was like "and you don't want to go home either?" (cause he knew I was trying to stay away from home cause of all the drama with my uncle lately) and I was like "no, I don't wanna go home" and for like a whole minute he didn't say a word to me, wouldn't even look at me, and I'm just sitting there thinking "ok if you don't wanna hang out with me then just freakin tell me" and so finally he was like "well I have plans with someone else tonight" and I was like "ok, go ahead" cause technically him and I aren't dating and he can hang out with whoever he wants to and I really don't even care. So he was like "we're working 12 hours shifts tomorrow too so I don't get off til like 6:30 but I'll call you when I get off" and I was thinking "yeah, you're a guy and they always say they'll call and they never do" but I didn't say that, instead I just said " go have fun" and then I was like "where are you going?" and then he totally started freaking out on me saying that he doesn't have to tell me where he's going and who he's hanging out with and I was just like yeah ok whatever and I got in my car and went home.
Well I thought it was kind of funny that it took him forever to tell me that he had plans with someone else that night and that he freaked out on me when I asked him who he was hanging out with, and all of that made me think that he was going to hang out with another girl and he just didn't want to tell me cause I'm so used to hanging out with him every single night. But like I said, we're not dating so he can hang out with whoever he wants to and I really don't care.
So I was thinking about it last night and I came to the conclusion that me and him are kind of in an awkward spot right now and we need to figure out what's going on so I decided that I was going to wait and see if he called me today like he said he would, and if not then I was gonna call him when I got off work and ask him if I could go over to his house and talk to him and see where we stand in all of this or whatever.
So 6:30 rolls around today and of course Jimmy never called and I made a comment to my friend Danielle that he said he'd call me and he didn't and my friend Chris came up and he was like "are you and Jimmy dating?" and I was like "no" and he was like "oh, cause he took out that girl Brittany from car audio last night" and I was like "oooh, so THAT'S who he took out and didn't want to tell me about and flipped out on me when I asked him about it" and Chris just gave me a look and walked away and I was just like "you know, she's not even pretty, I'm so much prettier than her, so why would he want her over me?" and I was kind of pissed off about it for like all of 2 seconds, but then I started thinking about it and I was like "well she's only 19 so he can't just want her because he's more her age than I am.....wait.....doesn't she have a boyfriend?" so I went back to car stereo and asked her manager Chad if she had a boyfriend and he was like "yeah he's like 30....why?" and I tell Chad everything so he already knew what happened between me and Jimmy the night before and that he was acting all weird to me and stuff and I was like "well Chris told me that that's who Jimmy took out last night" and I asked him if he still thought I should call him and ask him what's going on between the two of us and he was like "nah, I'd just call it a day and just wait and see what happens tomorrow and tonight I think you should just go home and spoon with me" and I just laughed about that cause Chad and I joke around about stupid stuff like that all the time, but the sad part is I'd actually do it too. But anyways, that's beside the point.....
So then I started thinking about it and I was like "you know what, I'm so over this" and I decided that even if I were to call Jimmy and we were to work things out between the two of us tonight, something would happen later on down the road and I'd still end up getting screwed and I just don't want to deal with it. So I decided that I'm not going to call him tonight, and I think he works tomorrow and I know I do and we normally don't talk to each other a whole lot at work anyway just because we are weird like that, but if he tries to say anything to me I'm either not going to talk to him or just chew him out or something. But I'm not mad about it because I was for a second, but then I realized that if he's gonna be like that then it's just not worth it and in the end he'll probably be the one that ends up getting screwed over and as long as I stay away from him then I won't have to be a part of it. It kinda sucks cause I really liked him and he really seemed like a nice guy, but then he had to go and do something lame like that and that's just pretty sad.
So Jimmy and I are over, I'll just move on and find another guy.