tabasco chugging contest... thats all i have to say.. oh and ew.. and yum... and we should do it again sometime.. AND I AM THE VICTOR!!! mwhahahahahhahhahahahahaha
some people are so dumb... just retarded... like the lady in teh shopping center i almost squished.. fucking bitch.. oh well... oh and jean call tonight at 1 and i can talk but not last night ill be up! CALL MY CELL THOUGH
ok so maybe people dont suck... oh well guys eat and girls suck!! heather... lmao lunch is so much fun... im bored... my mom is making me burn 7 DIFFERENT FUCKING CDS oye shes dumb... grrrr...
so bored... save me....ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im only talking to 3 ppl... well 2 cuz nat is totally unresponsive and ONE PERSON IS FUCKING PISSING ME OFFF ahhhhhhhh
ughhhh so cold and sickish... bike ride today was bad idea... well actually it wasnt.. id do it again hear that mike TOMORROW WE RIDE! into the darknes... ughhh scuse me as i go die from a common cold... meeehhhh i think my heads gonna splode