URL for these all is at
http://www.yournewromance.com/quizzes.html so there you go.
what's your true sign?
true and yet creepy beyond... lol, I figured it'd be leo or cancer but I was still shocked for reasons..btw no matter how many answers I changed I got nothing but this. ahh.
Your True Sign Is Cancer
Unable to Let Go
The Most Loving Ever
Intuitive and Imaginative
who's your inner rock chick?
true so people say, I never say this about myself though but the lyrics apply to me lol
You Are Gwen Stefani!
All guys dream about you
And all the girls want to be you
"Sappy pathetic little me
That was the girl I used to be"
what's your power color?
true I can't explain anything more than what it already says. if you know me you'll agree
Your Power Color Is Blue
Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
what do guys like about you?
true from what guys tell me it is so. I'm just naturaly this way..btw I tried to see if I'd get another answer, and no, every change gave me this again
Guys Like That You're Sensitive
And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way
You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to
Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets
No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!
what kind of girlfriend are you?
true I do let the big things slide lol and I sure hope that he'd still want me if I voiced myself lol... again, same answer everytime
You Are An Understanding Girlfriend!
You care about your guy, so much that you tend to put him first
And while this makes your relationship smooth, sometimes you let big things slide
Still be your understanding self, but if something really bothers you - let your guy know
He'll still want you, even if you occasionally disagree
what kind of bra are you?
true this is eerily true and the last line that's just amazing.. I, if you know me, love to the be the one who gets the guy and can bring out things in him. I love to connect with someone.
You Are a Lace Bra!
Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine
You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men
Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome
With a softer side that only you can draw out
what kind of beauty are you?
partly I say partly because I feel I don't have the right to assume or say what guys think of me, I really don't know, I always thought I had more of a timeless beauty (which is what I usually get) here I kept getting this one. hrm.
You Are a Feminine Beauty!
You make any guy feel like a man, simply by standing next to him
You have a classic womanly appeal - and you've got a look for every occasion
This doesn't mean that you can't kick back in (designer) jeans and sneakers
You just prefer to be girly and sweet as often as possible
********** and finally **********
where will you find love?
*stare* lol this is way beyond trippy you guys because in this quiz there is no answer for saying your with somone or something, it's all like the kinds of things you like to do.... so what the... I'm scared to think about this one to much
You've Already Found Love!
Whether you know it or not, you've already found love
And this guy could be it, so hold on to him!
And if you're single, start looking more carefully at your guy friends
It could be anyone you already know, so keep an open mind.