Catching up, if I can!

May 20, 2007 11:55

Somehow, I missed last week's challenge altogether. I had time to write today and found that I had two prompts to work with instead of just one. Yay!

Challenge: Time
Rating: So very GEN.
Pairing: Brass/Sophia
Warnings: None
Title: About Time

“Ever been to Cabo?” asked Brass.

Sophia tried hard to assimilate this new input into her current case. “Cabo?”

Brass continued. “When was the last time you took a vacation?”

She set her case aside completely. “About as long ago as you did.”

“Exactly. So let’s go.”

“To Cabo?”

“Catherine and Gil said they’d cover your cases.” Brass held up two plane tickets.


“I’m too old for you, all of a sudden?”

Sophia took a ticket, saying, “No, but I thought you didn’t like public displays of affection.”

Brass stole a kiss. “I think it’s about time I learned.”

Challenge: Spare Parts
Rating: No more gruesome than a Goosebumps book, so it’s rated GEN.
Pairing: None, but it has Doc Robbins and Grissom in.
Warnings: Spare body parts ahead! Just a few, you know, small ones, though...
Title: Obvious, Yet Necessary

Doc Robbins phoned Grissom. “I was able to reassemble two bodies from the mummified parts you found, but we have a small problem.”

“Small?” asked Gris.

“Finger-sized.” The Doc could be as cryptic as the entomologist when he felt like it.

When Grissom arrived to look at the mysterious evidence, he looked as confounded by it as the Medical Examiner did. “These digits seem fresh.”

“And by the look of things, their ‘owner’ was alive when they were removed.”

Grissom made the obvious, yet necessary observation. “So, we’re either looking for more bodies, or a killer with only eight fingers.”

brass/sofia, gen

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