Do you dream at night? Almost every night, yes.
Do you remember your dreams? If I didn't, how would I know if I dream?
What time do you go to bed usually? Depends on the day of the week. Tuesdays we stay up late and play Catan online with Mike's college buddies, so it may not be until midnight. Mostly between 10 and 11. We're such old people.
What time do you wake up normally? 5:30 a.m. Every damn weekday. 7:30 on weekends, because Cotton (my doggie) lets me sleep in a little. Isn't that sweet?
What time do you wake on weekends? Whoops...answered that.
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? It's nice, unless it's too late. Then you just feel like crap for the rest of the day.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? One. Mike sleeps with, like, five.
Do you like school? Oh my god, loved it. I'm so ready to go back.
Why/why not? You're learning new stuff, and you get to wear jeans.
What's your favorite subject? Anything political science. Or English. Or Communications. Or Law. Or Math. Or Philosophy.
Most hated subject? Science. ANY kind. Ugh.
Do you have a favorite teacher? High school - probably Mrs. Wolf, my art teacher for seven years. College - definitely Fishman! He was such a hardass, but you can't help love a prof with enthusiasm like that.
Ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope.
Are you a math's/science person or an English/drama person? English/math. So there. :)
Do you have heaps of friends? Errr, no. I'm not sure I have any. I borrow Mike's. No, that's not true. I have a couple coworker friends, but they don't count. OH! I'm a dumbass! Liz and Andina and Dan and all my online people! Okay, wow, I'm stupid. I was thinking just physically-around-me people.
Do you have a best friend? Mike. No question.
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? Eh...pretty even, I think. If you count my borrowed friends from Mike, then maybe guys.
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? Not generally, nope. But I don't get annoyed very often.
Have you ever lied to a friend? Oh, god, when I was a kid I lied all the time. I was the biggest storyteller there ever was. Nowdays, though, nope. I grew up. :)
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? Never ever. Wanted to steal my high school crush from his girflriend, but he wasn't going for it. Sigh.
Do you like your parents? I like my Dad fine. We're not exactly the closest of friends, but he's a good guy. It's hard to be close to a military guy who's been gone most your life. Mom...nope. We just don't mesh.
Ever run away from home? Nope.
Ever thought about it? I was too much a goody two shoes.
Do you have any siblings? Gods, yes.
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? I used to, but not so much now that most of us are adults.
How old are they? Jerry, Matthew and Nathan are all 24 (I think...either that or 23, but I think 24). Ariel is 16, I believe, and Alissa is 14.
If not, do you mind being an only child? N/A
Do you feel your parents spoil you? My dad probably did. Mom definitely didn't.
Do you not get along with any of your family? Ha. Ha ha ha. Mom. Except, she doesn't quite get it, so mostly it's just a chilly distant kind of thing.
Do you have big family get together's ever? Christmas is usually huge, and when I lived with my grandma we got together a lot, but not so much this past year.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I'm living with him.
If so, are you in love with them? Well, duh.
Do they love you? He tells me every day. :)
How long have you been together? We met in...1998? I think. Or '99. We've been romancing it since January 2002. So...almost four years as a couple, but friends for seven or eight.
Most romantic thing they've ever done for you? Probably when he had a star named after me. That was incredibly sweet.
Do you have a crush? On Tom Welling, of Smallville. :)
If so, are you in love? Well, I don't know him so well...
Do they know you like them? Um, no.
Is it serious or playful? Playful.
How long have you liked them? I have no idea, however long I've been watching the show, I guess.
Ever done something stupid to impress them? Not yet, but I'll come up with something.
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? God, yes. For five years.
Did you find it romantic or hurtful? Both.
Even know what it is? Um...yes. I'm incredibly familiar with it.
Ever had sex? I'm living quite in sin, yes.
Believe that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage? Nope. You have to connect on more than just a "friends" level before you can consider marrying someone. If the chemistry isn't there, if the sex is uncomfortable, you don't want to find that out after you've married the person.
Believe in casual sex? I don't believe sex can be casual. You are connecting with another human being in an incredibly intimate way. It's impossible to remain indifferent, even if you think it's casual. I think it affects you in some way, period. Do I believe you can have sex with someone you're not in love with? Yes.
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? I technically lost my virginity when I was 19. I did not plan it. I did not want it. I first had consentual sex when I was...23, I think. That was planned and wanted and loved.
Did/Do you regret it? First one...regret isn't the right word. Wish it never happened, yes. Second one, nope.
Do you have a religion? Nope.
Do you practice it, (I.E. - Go to Church)? I'm not a church kind of girl. I do...contemplate my beliefs.
Do you believe in God? If you mean the Christian one, no.
Jesus? Not as a faith figure.
Satan? Not as a faith figure.
Heaven? I'm not really sure what happens.
Hell? Somehow, no. I'm pretty concrete on this.
If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you? Not a clue. And it's terrifying.
Does death scare you? I have panic attacks at the thought.
Have you ever been drunk? Good gods, yes.
Taken drugs? Nope.
Stolen? Nope
Shoplifted? When I was about eight. Stole a pack of gum.
Tried to commit suicide? Never.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? Yes, when I was stupid and trying to make sure he cared about me.
Gotten into a fight? Not a physical one. Yelled plenty.
Are you more innocent or guilty? Gosh...probably a pretty even mix. I'm not evil or anything, but I've done my fair share of thinking bad thoughts.
Would you date a drug addict? Never.
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? Nope.
Are you racist? Nope.
Are you discriminatory to anyone? My mom.
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? Duh.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Open minded, I hope. I try to give the other point of view every consideration, but I know I can get impatient if people stop using logic or stop making sense to me personally.
Do you watch TV? Yup! Love Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Boston Legal, The Office, Top Gear, Smallville and my guilty pleasure is Seventh Heaven. I admit to having watched Laguna Beach a few times, but that's some sincere guilt, there.
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? Six months? Sheesh...so, since April? Quite a few...
Do you listen to the radio often? All the time. In the car, at work, at home if the TV isn't on. We have the best small town radio station that plays the high school football game on Friday nights.
Do you read the newspaper? Not usually, no.
Do you read magazines? We get Entertainment Weekly, I think, TIME, and Sports Illustrated. And if I'm feeling girly, I'll pick up a People or a Cosmo at the grocery store.
Are you a couch potato? I wouldn't say so, nope. We like to go hiking and do yardwork and stuff.
Do you use the Internet too much? Not too much, no. I do use it often, though.
What's your favorite style of music? That's hard. Favorite, I don't know. I love everything--country, alternative, rock (not heavy stuff), pop, folk. Not big into rap, but I like Black Eyed Peas and some others who do creative stuff.
Do you play an instrument? I can do Chopsticks on the piano.
Do you sing? In the car or shower only. Not a performer. I kind of suck. Ask Andii!
What's your favorite artist or band? Wow...that's tough. There's a lot of sincerely talented people out there. Probably Big & Rich right now. They're crazy-amazing writers.
Why? See above.
Have you met them before? No, they wouldn't think I was very cool.
Name 3 CDs that you've bought in that last year. Ummm...Faith Hill, Fireflies. The soundtrack for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And one of Bill Cosby's skits.
Why did you buy them? Because I like them?
What's your favorite sport? I don't play any, but I love horseback riding as a recreational thing.
What's your favorite sport to watch? Live, baseball. On TV, football.
Do you have a favorite team of any sort? The Eagles (by force...I'm quasi-married into an Eagles Family). The Astros by birth.
Do you play a lot of sports? Nope.
Ever won anything for sport? Nope.
Are you funny or serious? Most of the time, I'm pretty laid back...so, funny? But I can be serious.
Creative or not? Mostly, yes. But then someone says something like, "Oh, you're creative, why don't you think up XYZ for us. By the way, our business depends on it." And I blank. Of course.
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Wow. Probably both. I'm pretty even there.
Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing if I know you...or if I don't know you and I'm not going to be getting to know you anytime soon. Fairly shy when getting to know new people.
Are you lazy or active? Depends on the day of the week.
Have you ever been hyperactive? When I was six, maybe.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? No.
Are you happy with the way you look? I'm a beluga whale.
What would you change? My weight. My jawline (I don't have much of one). My breast size (they're two big fat watermelons).
Do you wear makeup regularly? Eyeliner and mascara, but nothing else.
Do you have a large wardrobe? Ashamedly, yes. I own way more clothes than I could possibly need. I need to do the whole Goodwill thing.
Do you have a job? Yep. I'm a staffing agent.
Do you like it? Not lately.
Are you a saver or a spender? Oh...spender, yeah. If I was a saver, I'd be a LOT better off.
Do you work hard or slack off? When I'm into it, I'm working like a maniac. I can be a slacker, though. Instead of coming up with things to do to keep from being bored, I can loaf pretty easily at work. At home, now...different story. I LOVE to organize my crap at home.
Have you ever been fired? Yep. From a bookstore cafe for joking about a coworker.
In trouble at work? Not outside the cafe incident. Unless you count when I worked for my parents. Then I was in trouble every day. That was the worst job ever.
Made a major mistake? At work? Nothing world-stopping, no.
Ever had money stolen from you? Yep. On Valentine's Day, I went to lunch with some coworkers and left my wallet at the restaurant. The wallet was returned, but it was empty.
Are you always broke? No, not always. Not most of the time anymore. I happen to be right now because I splurged on a new suit for work.
~Embarrassing Moments~
Your all time most embarrassing moment? When I first moved in with my grandma, I was in a bad place mentally and emotionally. I was screwing up with my finances and lied to my grandma about my checking account. She thought there was something wrong that was the bank's fault, and she was about to walk out the door to go confront them when I had to stop her and tell her the truth. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But it also turned my entire life around, because I found out I could be honest and not be punished for it.
Ever snorted drink out your nose? Yes, and it hurts.
Ever giggled like an idiot? God, every day. Especially the time we went to the donut place in Flint and I giggled the entire drive home.
Ever embarrassed yourself and pretended nothing happened? Probably. I'm an idiot.
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked? I trip every damn day. I'm sure I did.
Ever said something really stupid? Probably 75% of the time.
Ever snorted while laughing? Ugh, yes.
Ever fallen off a bed? Yes, because of MIKE!
Ever sleepwalked? No.
Ever sleeptalked? I don't know.
What's your best memory? Any Christmas with my family. They're awesome.
Worst? The rape in Kentucky.
What's the weirdest memory you have? What an odd question. I can't even remotely answer that, I don't know.
Do you have a good memory? Duh! If I had a best memory, I had a good memory.
What's the coolest holiday you remember having? The Thanksgiving I didn't get to have, actually. My entire family bought me a card and all of them signed it and I was so moved. It was awesome.
Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you? Yes, but Mike is the master there.
Who's the first that comes to your when you hear these names?
Melissa - My best friend, Melissa Phillips, in middle school.
Bob - Boss Bob.
Vanessa - Redgrave.
Alyssa - Little sister.
Jess - "Jesse's girl".
Brian - A family friend of Mike's. Big computer nerd.
Charlie - Brown.
Olivia - The wee girl from the Cosby show.
Drew - Drewfer! One of Mike's college housemates.
Lily - Someone very dainty.
Anita - Nobody in particular. It just makes me think of a dog. An akita.
What's the first thoughts that come to your head while hearing these words?
Cheese - burger.
Rubber - band.
Clothes - shopping.
Big - Bird.
Dress - pants.
Jacket - Fall.
Polyester - Stretch.
Kite - Summer.
Washing - ton.