Hello, so I found out about CSSSA a while ago, and I have finally decided to apply mainly for photography. But I have a couple of questions:
First of all, I am feeling unsure about getting accepted. See, I am not a California resident, and since there's only 20 spots for out-of-state applicants, I think that makes it harder for me to get in. Secondly, I am a little doubtful of my skills. What level of photography skills do they typically look for? (Um, here's a little
sample of my work?)
Thirdly, to be honest, I can't draw very well, and I think this is my main problem. Because I am required to choose a major and a minor, I think I am going to pick Photography as my major and Printmaking as my minor. My problem is that printmaking does involve at least some drawing, and on top of that, one of the required classes is Figure Drawing.
Do you think this program is right for someone photography-based like me? Should I bother applying?
Ahhh, just thinking about this makes me a little nervous. ):
(By the way, happy 2010 to you all. :) )