I'm making custom sprites for people. I want to re-enable my account for Double XP Weekend.
For the next 36 hours or so, I'm going to try to scrap together enough money to resubscribe to City so that I may partake in 2xXP. In order to do that, I'm offering cheap, custom, 16-bit, Mega Man-flavored sprites of comic or City characters to anyone that wants one.
You can see one example in my icon. More examples:
L to R , that is first row: Mer-Man, He-Man, Beast-Man, Prince Adam, Mekaneck, the three faces of Man-E-Faces.
Second row: Battle Cat, Evil-Lyn, Man-At-Arms, Buzz-Off, Hal Jordan, Superman.
Third row: Animated Man-E-Faces, Midnighter and Apollo.
If you are interested, comment here, send me an LJ message or email me.