A Sea Change

Nov 11, 2014 18:27

Mid-November. Looking forward already to this holiday season, the window displays, the drift of snow in streetlamps, coziness.

"I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be," wrote Joan Didion in Slouching Towards Bethlehem. I sit now in a kitchen faded to night, and think about the years. I forgot to mark, in this place, my ( Read more... )

life changes, stress fracture

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Comments 2

Challenges anonymous November 12 2014, 06:29:37 UTC
I read once that Helen Keller, (who, God knows, faced enormous challenges!) said "life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all ." I think getting too comfortable is not always a good thing: we learn a lot about ourselves by jumping off into the abyss sometimes. I think when we stretch ourselves, and try new things, we realize our own strength we didn't know we had. Sue.


A New Beginning.. ext_2187221 November 13 2014, 15:51:32 UTC
Your passage smacks of the prelude one would read before the beginning of a novel. I wonder if the absence of dance was a catalyst for this new(ish) line of thinking.


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