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Comments 64

ben_connelly December 19 2006, 00:31:57 UTC
Ahhh Matt! *hearts*

ANYWAY, I love him. I actually have a character in the works that's so similar to him, its a little scary.

Alright, well, he'd know Ben, a sixth year Gryff. I really want Ben to be friends with him, but I dunno. If Thatcher is obnoxiously, outwardly arrogant, Ben wouldn't go for that. If Ben had the opportunity to get to know him a bit more, though, I could see them being friends (er, pretty much becuase I love Matt. BUT NEVER MIND THAT). Ben would probably try and knock him down a peg or two like, "Dude. You're full of it. Shut up."

Whaddo you think?


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:50:38 UTC
On a daily basis, Thatcher is more of a ponce than overly arrogant. The arrogance really comes into play when he's insulted, or when he is in a confrontation with the elitists.


I think they should be friends. XD


ben_connelly December 19 2006, 02:07:28 UTC
BEN WILL FILL THAT POSITION HAPPILY. Actually, he'll grumble about it. But, whatever, deatails, deatails.

I think they should be friends too.

Thread this week? My Tatcher-loving needs an outlet :P


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 02:10:36 UTC
I think they should, too!!

Absolutely can thread this week!!! You just let me know when. I'm pretty open, as I will only be in one thread once the Lexi one is up.


bewitchingsam December 19 2006, 00:36:50 UTC
He's in the same house/year as james_aldo, so they'd def know one another. I don't think they'd get along very well, though. << or, they'd have some odd sort of friendship that involved kicking the other one's ego around.

And... bewitchingsam, whom you know. She's the same nice, cheery, all smiles girl that everyone knows. and... she has no emo here! So she's all optimisim and smiles.

I have an adult too, but I doubt he'd know her.


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:49:15 UTC
"James may come off as being an outspoken, and perhaps a bit arrogant, very typical Gryff. He's bold, states his opinions, and doesn't really think about the possibility of offending people."

HA, PERFECT. If they had said odd friendship, I could see him being one of the ones that would bring out the worst in Thatcher, in all actuality. Around him, he'd probably play up to that side and be just as outspoken, then back to laid back once he's away.

AND SAM, OMG. He'll have to flirt with her.


james_aldo December 19 2006, 16:51:33 UTC
Yeah, that's my Jamesy! It's really difficult for him to HATE someone, so he'd at least be civil, especially since they share a room.

Ahahaha. She'd be her usual, flustered O_O self over that or, depending on her mood, she might flirt back. It all depends on what day he catches her on. <<


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 17:07:35 UTC
Ohh, how perfect is that? Well, there you go! James and Thatcher are roomies that can play off of each other's personalities. What would James think of Thatcher's womanizing?

And, speaking of.. XD EXCELLENT. He'll totally enjoy her, especially since her attitude towards him could be such a lottery draw.


lexi_winchester December 19 2006, 00:53:40 UTC
Haha, what an interesting choice of PB's we have! XD Matt's great.

Alright, well Lexi is a 6th year Gryff, Half-Blood, and would naturally know Thatcher! I think they could easily get along as she's terribly friendly to a fault and would fall into an easy friendship from any and all of his charms.

Yeah, totally just snarky ass fights where adriana_Winters, 7th year Slytherin, is concerned. They'd have some classes together, so I'm sure she would have oh so much fun bickering with him.


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:46:58 UTC
HAHAHA!! I was totally asking Amy who was using Alexis. XD

Oh, then he will have to ooze charm, and we will have to quietly giggle behind computer screens about Logan and his Ace. ;) But yes, if Lexi is friendly and such, Thatcher will be all over her like white on rice or what-not.

YES, FIGHTS, YES!!! She'll have an up, knowing that he's a muggleborn that sucks at magic, btw. Feel free to use that against me. XD But yeeeeesss... they will have totally had classes together. And if Adriana can bring on the snark, we'll so have to let them play.


lexi_winchester December 19 2006, 01:55:17 UTC
Haha, yeah. We have Milo too XD The connections amuse me!!

That sounds great, Lexi is so shy and not good around guys so she'll just turn red and giggle XD. Hee, we definitely need to thread them :P

OH, no doubt with Adriana and snark. It like... goes together. We shall have lots of fun with that *evil laughter* >.>


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:56:49 UTC
Yes!! And YES!!!

Oh gosh, and he's going to be so bold that I could see him really getting her wound-up, then. I mean.. just bold. XD



frogleygoof December 19 2006, 00:53:41 UTC
Heehee! Oh man!

Okay, so my characters are all basically opposites of Thatcher! But let's see. . .

My Gryffindor fifth year girl, avis_abernathy, urban Scottish "tough" girl. But she loves Lions regardless. She'd probably think he was just a right laugh, and might just use a Monty Python voice around him for a laugh. Or use total slang around him and try to get him to loosen up "the Brit thing." But of course, she'd adore him.

Ravenclaw seventh year Troy Frogley frogleygoof, slightly lower working-class muggleborn, straight out of Cockney London. TOTAL jock boy, plays Quidditch and rugby and football and in general loves being athletic. Though refined is NOT something Troy can do (loud and generally oblivious and can be quite annoying and goofy), he'd probably be the same as Avis. Trying to get him to loosen up and go birdwatching or something.

And fifth year Snake Hargreaves Beckett hargreaves_b, a Pureblood elitist to the extreme, well-bred, polite, total pansy.


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:44:41 UTC
Haha, I could totally see Avis using slang and him leaning towards her, hand cupping ear, and replying "...I beg your pardon, come again, love?" Jokingly, of course, but nevertheless. Avis is female, so Thatcher would be happy to a) flirt with her if she allowed it or b) be as polite and charming as he could to her if flirting was off-limits. You pick. XD

RUGBY, EXCELLENT. Thatcher loves rugby, though he normally just plays with other ponce boys and would easily get his ass kicked by someone of substance. Though, he's good at it. Possible friendship, you think?

And at the last? Ohhhh, the usable line is ringing through my head - "Aw, wee little nancy snake, then? A little grass snake, a tiny little thing weebling about the knolls or what have you. Isn't he precious? And he tries so hard."


avis_abernathy December 19 2006, 04:30:50 UTC
OH MAN! Lovely! You know, Avis doesn't get the whole flirty thing going, as she has the rep for being the bitchy girl who'd probably punch blokes :P But if someone actually did, someone charming and Gryffindor, she'd probably just smile and act all flattered, blushing terribly. Poor girl, she's all worried about being too fat and ugly :\ . She'd totally allow it. She'd love it.

Friendship for Troy! YES. He needs more of that. And Troy would always think he's so much better and try to encourage him to work harder. Yeah, he does need refined friends!

So Hargreaves would despise him. Even though on basic politeness and principle, Hargreaves wishes he could act so well-bred.

Sounds good!!


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 16:26:45 UTC
Hahaha, if she's got a rep like that, I think Thatcher would enjoy flirting with her even more so. He's a lion, afterall. Doesn't mind staring death in the face at all. XD And good, then! He wouldn't mind helping someone build up their ego one bit!! In fact, with most girls, that's why he loves doing it so much. He's arrogant enough to know that for some girls, getting attention from a guy like him is something they think they don't deserve. Or at least that's what he tells himself, hahaha!

And excellent with Troy!! Ahh, this makes me happy. Thatcher will have man-friends.


rae_burton December 19 2006, 01:24:12 UTC
He's sooo cool! I love him :D

Lemme see, peterquince would adore him. Probably try to act like him and stuff. Maybe he would bounce around for some hints on how to woo people (though he doesn't really like girls. just the whole 'yes i am man love me' part).

rae_burton HA. Hate beyond belief. She's pure(ok so maybe not exactly but acts like it) elitist to a T and not afraid to flaunt it.


cthatcherhale December 19 2006, 01:39:31 UTC
Awww, and I believe that Thatcher would gladly play up to Peter. I'm sure he'll be the 'loves kids' sort once I get him flourished. XD I'll have to think up a nickname that he can call Peter. :O

And yes, if Rae is an elitist, there will be much hate going on. XD Thatcher would smart-off to her at the very least, and possibly drop rude comments when she's around.


rae_burton December 20 2006, 06:17:46 UTC
Ohhh Peter would love a nickname! He's bouncing right now with excitement hahaha

More enemies awesome :D


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