Okay, everyone who is a hard-core Christian may not want to read this particular rant, so I'm going to put it under a cut.
I was reading
catnip_dreamz's latest journal rant on holidays and greeting cards, and one of the comments simply forced me to reply!
The problem with many (though admittedly, not all) Christians is that they love to jump to conclusions; they also don't tend to read enough to catch the real drift of a particular subject. The commenter took cynjja to task for not being Christian enough to send holiday cards, when all the post was trying to say was that there are too many holidays that were created for the sake of making money off of greeting cards, candy, etc. I tend to agree with this.
I'm not sure if I want to consider myself Christian or not, because there are simply too many who are giving others a bad name. Heck, I've subscribed to many religions in my life: UCC, Lutheran, Methodist, Satanism (yeah, but Satan didn't do any more for me than God did), Atheism, Agnosticism, and even Mormonism. I am a Mormon right now, just not a very good one. (Seems that my mind has a habit of creaking back open every time I try to shut it!) I even would've tried Buddhism, except I couldn't get past the fact that I am a confirmed omnivore.
I find that the people who accuse others of not acting in a Christian manner are usually the ones who are the first to forget the 10 Commandments - or only remember them when it's convenient. Just ask my best friend
massachudes, who works with a girl whose car is decorated with a fish, and whose stethescope has a big cross on it. We call her "Fish-Face." This is the same girl who makes inappropriate sexual remarks and wiggles her tongue at men in the elevator. Some Christian! Some of this even occurred before her divorce.
To those of you who consider yourselves Christians, I applaud the fact that you can have faith in trying times, but to others I have to say: stop throwing stones at the rest of us, especially when you're throwing them from inside your glass houses!
I have to be honest, and say that some of the best, kindest, most caring people I know are definitely not Christian. Some are Agnostics, some are Atheists, some are even Wiccan. Remember that even Adolf Hitler considered himself to be spiritual!
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
---Blaise Pascal