O Mio Babbino CaroOh, Erin, the "On System" here is slightly updated from the one you have.. the velocities are mixed better. Which I actually need to do with the other one at some point because Alix's voice is too loud in the song and too soft in the effects. And one of the instruments in the middle is too loud
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So guys, here's how long it's been since I did a real update. I'm about to say that Matthew's wedding was awesome and I will post pics later. Come to think of it, I just said that... so there
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ctr0's LJ stalker is kenpofilipina!kenpofilipina is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!
I just came back from VA and I've skimmed through the posts from this last week, but I have not read or responded to all of them... I will do so and update as soon as I can (probably monday) but I will try to get in a few hellos here and there! Have fun! :)
This is a trance version of the song O Mio Babbino Caro. Alix Jerinic(lunasebg) did the vocals for this when she came to visit at the beginning of the month. It was fun. She sang for
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You're a happy person - you have a good amount of self-esteem, and are socially healthy. While this isn't a social dysfunction per se, you're definitely not normal. Consider yourself lucky: you walk that fine line between 'normal' and being outright narcissistic. You're rare - which is something else to be happy
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Ok, since Alix comes home the 3rd and Deg goes back on the 6th, the party will have to be the 4th or the 5th. Well, Alix sounds possibly busy the 4th and plus thursday just sounds better, so the 5th will be my party
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Ok so this week has been crazy. Christmas actually turned out to be cool. I went to Ben's house in the morning and then Amelia's at night. That was good. Amelia and I talked for a while, and she showed me pictures of India (She just came back from a ten-day trip.) And she let slip that she was single again and looking for a short-term
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