I just beat the game and have to say: most. unsatisfying. ending. ever.
"To Be Continued"? Really? They go through the effort of killing Serah off but not resolving anything at all? And where is Snow?
I hoped one of the Paradox Endings or the secret ending would resolve things, but the internet tells me quite clearly that they don't. I was all excited when I unlocked Valhalla . . . only to get to play the opening scene again, WTF.
I just can't say "WTF" enough times about all this.
And, I think it is absolutely ridiculous that game developers think DLC means they can fragment the storyline or release an incomplete product because they can always supplement it later (and extort some more money from players while they're at it). I will not stand for this, Squenix.
Will I still buy the apparently inevitable FF13-3 when it comes out? Probably. But if they pull this shit again, I am seriously going to stop buying any new games and just replay old ones. I got plenty on my list already: FF8, FF10, FF9, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, FF7 (roughly in that order).
Okay, I just had to get that off my chest. Back to not really posting. (Maybe.)