I'm done wrestling with bears in the great vast state of wyoming. i made it back with the majority of my limbs, so i'm satisfied. kinda. and i ate about a pound of dirt. mmmmmm
you're home..but not really home. damn. your family needs to stop traveling...because i need to come over to your house....and chill with your mother. yep. not you. hahaha. jk!!! fuck ashley, i miss your crazy house. your moaning dog. your mother with her wondrous cooking skills. your brother who sorta tries to avoid me but not really. your dad who's never there. and then there's you. yah. i guess i miss you. call me when you get back from your first trip to tell me how that went. and then call me when you get back from the other one....so that i can visit your crazy houuse. and then you can come and visit mine. you can see daddy's new pickup and possible empty room number one will have furniture in it. damn this was a long comment. probably longer than your entry...more like twice as long. or three times. okay. i'm done. xoxo!
Sigh. I, also, will leave a sentimental message. Boohoo. Ok, moving on! Dude, awesome choice of music. Our band plays that, but I also just learned it on the guitar like 5 minutes ago! Crazy! I have more music for you. Even better Against Me! HA! can you believe it?! Peace out.
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