And I am excited to get started on the next season. It started last Wednesday, but I wasn't done with the first season yet, so I denied myself the pleasure of watching it. All is well though, the encore presentation is next Wednesday, just as I thought. Normally, I hate watching shows on television because I am an impatient person when it comes to those things and I can't stand waiting a week to find out what happens next. But anyway, hopefully I can do it thise time.
Lost is probably my third favorite television series, right behind Firefly and Angel. It edges out Buffy, but only because Buffy is filled with teenage love stories and drama that are kinda hard to take most of the time.
So, Lost. I have a few theories about what is going on, but they are probably not that rare of opinions. I have a feeling that the hatch that they blew up at the very end of Season One is something akin to Pandora's Box, but this is mainly supported by the fact that Locke said "Hope" was inside of it, and J.J. Abrams does this sort of thing. That is more or less the only reason I think this, but it makes a bit of sense.
I was somewhat disappointed to find out the "Monster" is a "Security System for the island", I thought it was some kind of dinosaur or metallic monster. Apparently it is some blackish fog-smoke thing, or maybe I was seeing things when it tried to take Locke.
The "Others" are a weird bunch of folk, that's for damn sure. I still haven't figured out why they want children, maybe they need to raise them as warriors to protect their stuff, but that's a bit far-fetched even for my standards. I'm really interested in how they have gasoline, a motor boat and the knowledge to make a bomb like the one that blew up the raft. I wonder what will happen to Sawyer, Jin and Michael though, it was an interesting way to leave them. They are, what, four or five miles off the coast of The Island? That's a bit of a swim, and with Sawyer being shot, that might prove difficult to pull off.
I cringed when they blew up Artz(I think that is the correct spelling), but it was funny the way Hurley reacted.
I really can't wait for Wednesday.
Other than that, this weekend has been kind of a bore. I went to the Navy Exchange earlier because I needed a new toothbrush and a few other things, and that is about it. I played some Growlanser III today, and decided that I will continue until I beat it because the story comes before Growlanser II and it makes more sense. I like how the game is set up though, four characters and items. I also like the random battles and the map, the second one doesn't have any of those(they have random encounters, but it is set up differently.) I also tried to play my Game Boy, but none of the games interest me that much. I may start Riveria again.
So basically, that is it for today and yesterday. I may write again tomorrow or the day after.. after work and all that. Ahhh man!