Jan 03, 2008 02:28
its january third .......and i'll be gona at 11:30 am :( ...ill miss all you people ....hopefully i get my orders soon and then come back for another 10 days. see you people again
Dec 22, 2007 10:21
im back people until january 3rd
Aug 13, 2007 07:54
i leave at 1630 4:30 today and wont be back until 9 weeks from tomorrow , then ill be gone again for another 6 weeks and 2 days.
Aug 06, 2007 16:00
whos up for the titty bar on thursday hopefully they have the other good dancers there
Aug 06, 2007 13:29
i found out finally that next monday i get picked up by the sergeants and then i got to the hotel later that night then i leave at 6 am on tuesday then i'll be gone for a while.
Aug 05, 2007 11:28
omg l.ast night was a blast i didnt spend alot so who wants to go again..... but i had girls do the seesaw thing on me i had two hott chicks make oke while they were on my legs and i was violently beaten by vagina. and had lot of boobs in my face and i got kisses from all the strippers. i aint showering today cause i smell like strippers
Jul 24, 2007 12:07
so yeah i got my liscense last week wednesday and my title for my truck is coming tomorrow i think . i leave in like 19 - 20 days. i bought a lobster and named him larry and roger and i took him on a road trip he had some fun then we at him. fuck i want to go to the booby bar
Jul 15, 2007 13:33
last night was of the hook at my graduation party / going away party.