* I have little white ballet slippers and a pair of black leggings now! lol just like mytho :') I'm also the only girl in the class who dresses like the guys, but no one seems to mind.
* My balance is improving hugely! I can stay in relevé longer now, which is awesome, and I don't feel like I'm going to die of muscle collapse when I'm doing barre exercises. Plus I can hold ~*~arabesque arms~*~ longer than I could on Tuesday without feeling like my shoulders are going to fall off.
* Holy shit you guys, I am going to be crazy strong by the end of the semester. Like, actually buff. EVEN IN MY FEET, I SWEAR, WE DO LIKE... TOE EXERCISES TOO. It's a brutal workout but it's really effective.
* My spine isn't making as many crunchy noises anymore, and my joints don't sound quite so gross! Which was one of my original goals in taking the class. \o/
* For some reason, even though it basically never works in any other area of my life, creative visualization is doing wonders for me in class. Seriously, when I'm dancing I try to picture, idk... Manuel Legris or Zoltan Solymosi (and of course, of course Ahiru, because I know she would be right alongside me smiling and clapping when I got my leg extended a little further), and it helps me get my posture aligned and stay smooth when I do ~*~ballet walk~*~.
* This is the second class in a row where the teacher's complimented me for doing something right. WHICH IS FUCKING UNPRECEDENTED, LET ME TELL YOU.
And now I need the most epic shower, because lol sweatiest of dance classes.