Mar 07, 2009 22:18

hahahahaha so i may or may not have dropped uh everything to power through my history homework

not doing that again for at least another two months


Sad news: my jack pine seedlings have all died. :(
Happier news: the jade tree my aunt gave me for Christmas is doing fine, although I may move it to a different part of the house--it keeps putting out leaves and then shedding them at a rapid rate. I have now named the jade tree Daphne, and am hoping to get some dwarf pomegranate seeds because dwarf poms are supposed to be easy to raise (plus they bear edible fruit!).
Even happier news: Today at the grocery store, I noticed a display full of grow-it-yourself seed kits! Part of me sort of suspects it's a reaction to the economy (when my mom maintained an herb garden, we pretty much never had to buy rosemary, basil, mint, or tarrragon), but the weird budding gardener side of me went OMG SEEDS. So I bought a strawberry starter kit. I'm naming the pot itself Enna, but I'm not naming the plants, because according to the intertubes, I should be on at least my second generation of seedlings by the time they start bearing fruit. You are all cordially invited to my house when the strawberries do eventually start fruiting.
Bad news for my wallet: I kind of discovered the local plant store's seed section and may have to be forcibly restrained from trying to grow heirloom strawberries, scarlet runner beans, and five types of lavender in my kitchen. /o\ GOD I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS IMPULSE TO GROW SHIT COMES FROM, maybe it's a reaction to not having pets anymore and thus needing something to take care of, idk.

By the way, any of you who get the reference in the pot's name get strawberries from the first crop. >:)

*I has a compatriot!

There are three guys in my class (if you don't count me, lol). Two of them are gorgeous, lithe young black men. One of them is a white guy who's maybe an inch shorter than me and probably fifty pounds heavier. We got to talking a few classes ago, and it turns out he's taking ballet because his family has a history of back and knee problems, and he wants to gain flexibility and get himself into a generally healthier shape while he still can. He and I are going to be the handsomest of princes by the end of the semester, I know it. :'D

* MY LEGS DON'T HURT ANYMORE. Seriously you guys, I think I'm developing actual muscle--it's not excruciating to go into grand plié now! Plus I think my coordination is improving, since my brain doesn't short-circuit when I try to do leg motions and hand/arm motions at the same time. My turnout is no longer a disgrace and it's easier to keep my knees straight. SOON I WILL BEGIN AUDITIONING KNIGHTS TO HARASS WOMEN WHO DISPLAY ANY INTEREST IN ME.

* I'm sort of wondering whether or not to say something to my teacher about this one other student in class. She's come in late every single day, pays no attention to the teacher's rule about not dancing if you miss warmup (which, btw, is a totally understandable rule, since if you haven't stretched properly you could hurt yourself), and several of us are fairly sure that she's not sober. (There's kind of an odd smell about her and her stuff, she looks really unfocused and unhealthy, and her dancing doesn't even remotely resemble what the teacher asks us to do. Last class, while everyone was doing arm exercises during the cool-down period in the last ten minutes, this girl was just careening wildly around the studio, spinning with her arms out, flailing all over the place. She nearly hit a couple of people.) It's problematic, and kind of sad to watch, and I don't really have a precedent for what to do in situations like these. :/


We had our first tabletop session last week, and will have our next one tomorrow! The Captain's character changed significantly (her first incarnation was leaning a little too much towards chaotic evil), and so did Mirit's relationship with her--Mirit still won't lend her any money, but now they call each other "big sister" and "baby cousin", and give each other love life encouragement. (The co-captain has a little bit of a "whoreswhoreswhoreswhores" twitch, so that'll be interesting.)

Mirit accidentally saved the day in the last few minutes of last week's installment by walking into a room, I shit you not. I love that I'm finally in a campaign where I can choose to play a woman whose talents are in seduction and diplomacy and it ACTUALLY FUCKING COMES IN HANDY. :D (I don't know why I like diplomat types so much--maybe it's because my mom was a master of social diplomacy, and she's basically my hero, or maybe it's because I've been frustrated so often in my own attempts to squelch drama with ~*~well-reasoned rhetoric~*~ irl.)

Also, we have a rat playing a rabbit. No, really--the GM's thirteen-year-old brother is playing the ship's mechanic, and the mechanic is an adorable little kid with a rabbit, and the brother has a pet rat, so she gets to play the bunny when she's sitting in his lap. Fuck I love tabletop gaming so much.

Thanks to my aunt's research, I've discovered that not only does my mom's side of the family--the side with the incredibly strong and highly principled women--come from Quaker stock (anyone surprised? no? me neither), but my... I think four- or five-greats grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War. Meaning I could technically join the Daughters of the American Revolution.

My mom used to warn me about them (they wore pearls, she said, which was one of the nastiest things she would say about another woman), but now I think it might be kind of fun to join. If they have changed from being totally uptight, racist failboat crews, then it'd be neat to see what they're up to and maybe do some more research on the family history.

If not, then oh man, I have such fantastic daydreams about strolling in all butch and steampunk and going "WHAT UP IN HERE, BITCHES", causing fainting spells left and right. >:D
On that note, you know how there are these failclowns somewhere in Upper East Jesus in the Bible Belt who named their kid Hitler?

Sometimes, when I'm feeling blue, I daydream about that kid. Specifically, I daydream that he grows up, goes to college and has his worldview completely subverted, ends up married to someone of color (male or female, take your pick!), and then becomes one of America's most outspoken and successful civil-rights lawyers.

It could totally happen.

ETA: sdflldfgsds you guys. you guys tell me that at least until i am done with midterms

i am not allowed to order a tiny lime tree

or a tiny pomegranate tree

fuuuuck DO WANT SO BAD *______*

csi miami-style yeeeeeeeeah, i loev tiny trees, college yay!

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