Title: Kiss
Pairing: Nami x Usopp
Rating: PG, bordering PG-13
x-posted to
100moods It had been a fabulous lie. The kiss that’d made women breathless and weak in the knees, that had seduced hundreds-no, thousands-into his arms, into his bed. The kiss that spoke smooth confidence in the tangle of a tongue and the warmth of a skillful mouth.
Yes, it had been a fabulous lie. Until she spoke those two little words.
“Prove it.”
He tried not to gulp, at least not audibly, and tried to keep himself from declaring a sudden outbreak of the if-my-lips-make-any-contact-whatsoever-with-anything-on-someonelse’s-body-I'll die disease; he tried not to look away as she stepped closer. He tried to imagine what Sogeking would do in this situation, or even what his father would do-what his father had done (although that would lead to roads he did not want to go down at this moment, not with him being able to inhale the scent of citrus and suntan lotion that emanated from her skin).
The more sensible and sharp part of his mind gave way to the side of instinct when he noticed that he was leaning forward now, and he was closing the gap with the touch of his lips to hers. He felt lighthearted as their lips moved lightly against each other before parting and he wasn’t sure whose tongue entered whose mouth first, but he decided it didn’t really matter because it felt good and all sorts of warm things were stirring inside him and he was eighty-nine percent sure those little nearly sub-vocal noises of appreciation weren’t coming from him and he breathed a little noisily through his nose so he wouldn’t asphyxiate before it’d even ended, and then-finally, but still all too soon-it did end and he was left panting and staring at her flushed cheeks.
“Wow,” she breathed, “that wasn’t bad at all.” He felt his chest swell with pride. Until she added, “And I would’ve believed everything you said too, if your knees hadn’t been shaking the entire time.”