A little bit upset...

Oct 29, 2008 12:00

I have some very specific opinions about Grey's at the status of MerDer and other characters and I feel like I NEED to get them out.

Now, I love Grey's.  I have loved it since the first episode which I happened to stumble across.  I gave up a show I was watching at the time that was airing during the same time to watch Grey's because it IS that good.  I love the characters and have a particular fondness for George and Meredith because like Meredith I often live my life "under a banner of avoidance" and like George I lost my Dad at a very young age.  I love Derek probably because I love Patrick and think that he, above anything else (the hair, the eyes, the smile) is an AMAZINGLY underrated actor (if you haven't seen his run on 'Once and Again' you, in my opinion, have not seen him at his best).  Cristina is great because of her backhanded comments, her ability to bite back is GREAT and reminds me of my Mother.  And I love Callie because she is a good representation of what real women look like and as a curvy girl, I can't be mad at that.  I have supported Grey's for a long time.  The good decisions, the bad decisions, ups and downs, because as a fan of the show and the actors I feel it is my responsibility to do so...and I enjoy it.

However, there are some things that have been happening with the show that have made me, for the very first time, kind of sit-up a little straighter and wonder 'What the heck is going on?'.  I'll break it down into a list so it's easier to read.

Lexie-The IDEA of Lexie isn't a bad one, I don't think.  And yes, I've heard some say that her whining about everything is a lot like what Meredith does.  I have to disagree because Meredith...she's self-deprecating.  The reason she annoys Cristina so much with her talking about Derek is because she doesn't have confidence in herself to think that she can makes things work with him.  Lexie, from her very first episode has whined about not having people to hang out with or about how Meredith won't talk to her.  Her character has seemed very stunted to me aside from the times she yelled at Meredith in the bathroom and at George in the locker room.  You have to let the girl have a little bit of a backbone.  It should not be the end of her world if Meredith is standoffish or if George is as dumb as boys can be.  I want Lexie to be a strong, successful, Surgeon because I think she has it in her.

Cristina: I feel like she got a bit shafted with Burke storylines but other then that, she's still Cristina.  Backhanded and sarcastic which is really good, I think.  I don't see her as a character that they've tried to turn into something completely different since Season 1, which is good.

Izzie and George: I put these two together because these are the two characters that I barely recognize anymore.  George, I loved George.  I loved awkward, not knowing what to say George.  I feel like we may be getting him back, a little bit at a time, but I still miss him a lot.  He's obviously grown and changed, as any real person should, but little bits of who he was at the start are shining through.  I really liked him best when he was locked with Derek in the locker room in the first epi of Season 3 and he started going off about how Derek had everything...that is George at his best I think.  Now, Izzie, on the other hand...where the heck has she disappeared to?  Season 1 and Season 2 Izzie who showed her ass in a locker room when Alex was an ass to prove a point.  I think we lost a lot of her to the horrible idea that was Gizzie (in my opinion of course) and I don't if the writers just don't care to work with the character anymore but...I miss Izzie.  I miss the Izzie that was good friends with George and the Izzie who told Mark off when he told her to get his coffee...

Alex: They need to decide what they want Alex to be.  Do they want him to be insensitive and an ass or do they want him to have a heart.  You can't make him an asshole with a heart of gold somewhere deep inside...especially if you aren't going to give us any insight into his past.  This is my biggest problem.  We know nothing about him!  We know that he hit his Dad at one point and I suspect that there are some very dark things that have happened to him.  I don't even think that the writers know what happened to him in his past.  Looking back at the episode where Meredith is with Denny in limbo he starts a rant about what will happen to everyone if she dies "Izzie lost me, George's Dad died, and Cristina's dad bled out in front of her and Alex..." and Meredith stops him.  I WANT to know about Alex, I want to SEE Alex.  We know about George and his family, Izzie was raised in a trailor park and had a baby, Meredith obviously has her own drama, Cristina has been pushing her Mother seemingly since birth, the Chief had an affair and had a drinking problem...Alex is one of three characters that I feel we don't know enough about.

Mark: he's one of the others that I think we should see more of, learn more about.  Who is Mark really aside from a man-whore who, apparently, is only good at having sex?  We know he slept with Addison...but what about before that?  Who was Mark before he came to Seattle?  They aren't using Erica Dane to the best of his abilities.

Callie: I think she went a little bit crazy with the George thing in Season 3.  Found her a bit endearing when she finally tried to include herself in Meredith/Izzie's lives.  I loved her when she was sleeping with Mark; I think they are a great fit.  This Erica/Callie thing is really absurd...and not because they're hot for each other (because ask anyone, I have nothing but respect and love for bisexual and homosexual people) but because...it just doesn't seem right.  Why, if Callie cared so much for Erica, would she go to Mark?  I don't think that would happen.

Erica: I can't stand her.  She's mean and angry...I just don't like her.

Bailey: I really love Bailey...can't say more then that.

Chief: I though he turned into a bit of an ass recently and hoping that he can turn himself around and be the Chief that I loved in Season 2 and 3.

Now the big ones:

Meredith and Derek: Like I said.  I love Meredith.  I love her because she's not perfect.  I love her because she really is trying to try and for Meredith that is big.  Do I love that they put her through hell and back?  Not so much.  A sick Mom, an absent Father, a loss of a Step-Mother, a near death experience (which was very far fetched but gave some other actors a great opportunity to show that they can act), Finn, a bomb, her boyfriend having a wife...seriously, if I were Meredith...I would have wanted to die, too.  Aside from that, Ellen is an amazing actress.  It was a big deal for Meredith to go to Derek and say to him "I want to save lives" without any hurt feelings attached.  At that point, she really just wanted him to be happy.  "I would go somewhere else if I could..." she only went to him because she didn't have a neurosurgeon to approach.  The house of candles was great, it showed character growth.  My big thing with her, especially in the last episode was I think that she had more then a right to be mad about the 'Shepherd' method.  She put a lot of work into it, she researched everything and found patients and swallowed her pride to ask for Derek's help.  And, in the real world, she would have received credit from the Attending for being part of the trial (that is if the Attending was not an arrogant jerk) even if she wasn't the main surgeon.  I think that the writers are attempting to avoid any type of MerDer conflict when, in reality, is made Meredith look like a weak person to just roll over and take the kidney from Derek and let it all be happiness and roses.  A REAL relationship, which I know this is not but what I think they are trying to make it look like, grows from conflict.  It would have made them look like a stronger couple if Derek had even attempted to understand where she was coming from (which he didn't until Bailey shoved it into his face).  They turned Derek into a HUGE ass last week.  And not the type of ass he was when called Meredith a whore or told her that he couldn't breathe for her...but an ass who thinks he's better then everyone.  Telling Meredith that she didn't deserve any credit at all, totally uncalled for.  It made me think that if Beth had died and the Chief had gotten angry that Meredith had snuck the surgery in but still blamed Derek, because under Derek's theory he would have solely been blamed for the failure, if Derek wouldn't have been just as quick to point a finger at Meredith and blame her?  I think not.

Patrick has been severely underrated as an actor in my opinion and his true acting ability has only been used a couple of times (when Meredith was "dead" and the flashback with Addison and Derek back in New York).  I feel like he's the character, along with Mark and Alex that we don't really know a lot about.  Yes, we know that Addison cheated on him and that he has sisters but we don't know about what kinds of things happened to him.  I just feel as if there is so much more to him and, especially in the last episode, he turned into this guy that...I didn't like. I miss the times when you could just TELL that Derek was in love with Meredith by the way that he looked at her and I just don't feel that they've been given the opportunity to have an actual relationship, where anger and being upset doesn't mean not being together but working through it (not appeasing one party by giving them a kidney).  The chemistry between Patrick and Ellen has been amazing from Episode 1 and we've been given every indication that the two are close friends in real life...I just feel like they've been cheated.

So, that's my rant and I'm not asking everyone to agree with it but it is mine and I ask that you respect it, as I would yours.  Sorry to take up space on you flist but I kinda felt like I was gonna burst if I didn't get it all out.

Thanks :)

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