I DID IT!!! Wow, what a phenomenal game. This has been one of the most satisfying Fire Emblem games I have ever played, and easily my pick for best game on the Wii. Having played from start to end, I'm almost 100% convinced that the reviewers at Gamespot, 1up, and wherever else just didn't bother to play through the whole game. Terrible story
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Comments 5
Swords might be good, yeah. It's pretty short and not especially brutal unless you do optional stuff. It might be a tad rough on your arm if you try to play through it quickly (instead of spreading it out a bit) though.
Most sites (and magazines) don't require reviewers to finish games. RPGs in particular typically get the short end of the stick there. That's part of why I decided to write for RPGamer and later stick to that for RandomNPC.
Also, awww, Astrid and Nephenee ;_;
So really, why DID you use Ilyana? Or Micaiah for that matter? I found her next to useless, but I leveled her with a cheap trick of my own devising. (Put Micaiah on healing bush, and sacrifice. She'll regain two HP. Sacrifice. Do this until level 20.
I'll admit Ike is a force to be reckoned with, but using him means that others don't get experience. I gave him JUST enough to level cap, and then let everyone else do the work.
Also, it's a pain in the butt, but it's so worth it to level a Heron. Takes an hour to get them to level 40, but then they don't die if you screw up and let them get hit once AND you can refresh people to do double damage.
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