Tonight im ALONE. Scary thought. My door is locked and im sitting on the computer in my messy apt. You think wtf is your apt dirty you clean ALL THE TIME. I know this. You know this but my hidden shoe didnt know this!... this is how wednesday got started.
Brandy comes over before work so she can borrow my brown sandals. So when she gets here she only finds one. We seriously tore this WHOLE apt upside down trying find this damn shoe when didnt find until after work behind the fan. ugh.
so here is what happened wed. night. it was alyssa bday so we were all going out but everyone didnt think they were going to come over before to drink because they didnt know if jacqui was going to come with them and they knew last time i said i would push her out of the window and she might steal a pair of jeremiah's boxers or somthing. that got back to her. she wasnt happy. they have big mouths. but i was pissed that night and i said i would apologize to her to make everyone get along. whatever so we were waiting on plans and were actually planning to go just stay home and drink and just have fun without everyone else
when we go to work and eric decides hes going to break up with michelle (bernall-rachel.. if u are worndering) and wanted up to go to the bowling alley instead of the bar. we agreed. that was supose to be our plans. to get some vodka and were gonna get fucked up and go bowling.
after we get the alcohol we go get oj.things changed when we got to conoco to get o.j. and amber is there. Amber is in her car pissed off because JACQUI told her that Brandy had sex with Henry a while back. Which was bs. omg im steaming. i wanna beat this bitches ass for so long. no one likes her. i wanna know why everyone wont say nothing to her. anyway brandy is pissed and we go home. We decide just to get ready to go out and we would figure everything out. Brandy was fighting with Trevis on the phone and Jeremiah hasnt called me all day so we were both pretty upset.
The upside of things and plans change:
Things start going a little better when everyone came over (Alyssa Amber Autumn Trevis Henry Hilton) Were drinking then we leave after Jeremiah finally called me which made me in a wonderful mood. Brandy and I were in the car together dancing and having a goooood time. We went to the bowling alley. Found our people said hi. Lost a half pack of cigs in the bathroom. We ran into Jers ex gf who is now married to a Jer look alike. And busted out of there and went to get cigs and off to the bar we went.
We go to the boot and there were cops swarming the place with drug dogs. It was crazy . I was so drunk i could hardly walk. We were in a good mood until We get to the door when we see Trevis and this guys Travis (i went to high school with him) and they cant get in because they dont have their ids. We go inside anyway and find the girls and dance a few songs and left. We go back to the bowling alley and act crazy. I dont remember most of it because i was fuuuuuuucked up. I spilt Erics beer all over me and the table. i was good though. I didnt care. they cleaned it up. Everyone from work was there. It was crazy stuff. The alley was closing so we needed to go somewhere else. Some guys got a hotel room and we were supose to have a party until Bryson went inside to ask where room 223 was and they saw a bunch of ppl trying to go to the room. They called the cops. We busted out of there before the cops go there. But not before Bryson and Abshire took the newpaper off of everyones door and stole a remote and all of the pillows. Then we go to walmart. Drunk ass us trying to find an after party. It wasnt happening. But we met up with everyone.And took bryson home. Not before brandy decided that we needed to stop in the middle of broadway and sit there. Omg she was driving crazier than normal. We drop him off Tony promises more fun next wed. And we go to abshires house of green..ill just put it that way. and they got lil high and i laid on his couch when he said brandy is hotter than me. whatever. i call jer there im drunk but i still remember that i miss him. nothing makes that go away. it was time to take eric home and i had to drive back im starving so i tell brandy we need food we make a pit stop at mcds on the way to trevis to get some hashbrowns to help soak up the alcohol. and we got trevis went home and passed out AFTER i called jer again.
i woke up at 8 when he called after 3 hours of sleep im still drunk. oh it was bad. even worse when i found out that ramon came over for brandy when trevis was still here. he wasnt happy.
then work again today it wasnt that bad but it was long and i was fucking hung over. deff.!!
time for bed.
until next wed.
good night