That was awkward....especially right after a very contentious national election which was heavily divided along some "historical" lines shall we say.
Also, um....didn't we already do the whole "RAGE PROMPTS US TO REVEAL UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS" in "Asylum" back in season 1? Oh, wait, we are in the midst of the Pilot/season 1 reboot-athon aren't we....le sigh. Though to be fair, I think we've been waiting for Dean to do go off like that sometime in the last four seasons for a long and very overdue while, but it would have been better, um, four season ago!
Also, sorry, Garth =/= Bobby :( Where did his southern accent come from all of a sudden anyway? (he does kinda grow on you though -_-')
If Bobby's nasty hat can make it back on the show why can't we get the Samulet back?
Also, why can Sam have heart-felt Dawson's Creek moments with Amelia (a.k.a. Surrogate Girl!Dean) but can't actually tell Dean any of these deep and abiding feelings of world-implodingness to his face?. You know actually say something when it counts to the person who needs to hear it for a change instead of angsting about how you used it to score points with the girl you just banged. Also, sorry Sam you didn't really make a good enough case at the beginning as to WHY you didn't look for Dean to make me really give a crap about your always kinda there anger at people not respecting your life choices and desires, or keeping you 100% informed at all times (and this is from the guy who lied about a dog in the first episode -_-'). I mean I get it. You've been through the wringer, boy-howdy have you (I am still surprised you didn't just have an actual mental breakdown frankly, but then I remember that the writing staff can't actually deal with handling mental illness or trauma in any really competent way) and in order to survive you've HAD to dissociate from the past and learn to embrace what you have in place of what you've lost (even though you can't reeeaaaalllyy forget, and now that Dean is back that fear of loss--loss to death, to inner demons, to surprise!Vampire boyfriends--is right back itching at the forefront of your mind threatening everything you've built and all the ground you've gained since you last lost him). You've never been the most stable or fair character where your temper or sense of rightness or personal injustice have been involved, and Dean's been an unusually harsh and vocal antagonist about his abandonment issues this season (and you'd think by this point somebody would gain some insight as to WHY this particular issue still hits this character so hard. Although, I guess that was the point of the angry exposition with the gun), and you have a right to put your foot down and defend what you want, but, honestly, honey, you kind of suck at defending it in a way that doesn't just confirm your new characterization as a massive asshole...or an extremely jealous, control-freak husband.
Which brings me to the golden pinprick of hope in this episode(or maybe I am just really warped by this point and am seeing positives in really disturbing places) i.e. the fact that Sam can still justify being a jealous, Benny-Hating, 'I'm gonna Kill your Surrogate Sam!brother/boyfriend figure as a form of his own deep and abiding love for Dean (as kind of massively hypocritical as that is) Or, better yet, it is a symptom of something much darker and more interesting in terms of character development! Maybe some weird, twisted, possessive, destroy what you love, so it can never ever leave you again, never hurt you again and interrupt your 'normal' campaign? Either way it is definitely bringing out some of Sam's worst personality traits. I can't decide if I find this interesting, or just frustrating, disappointing, and grounds on which to murder Carver? I just really hope this all goes somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath.
If only these boys could actually communicate (they are capable of it!)to each other in a way that is thoughtful and empathetic, so, so much of this shit could have been avoided. But I guess Carver didn't watch season 5.
Oh, well, please bring me some possessive, angry, crazy caveman!Sam/Dean smut please?!