you bastard. i did my java project on chi-squared. nailed that mo-fo. also i have my last exam tomorrow, it's mathematical methods, and i don't understand ANYTHING
oh my god why do you have to do all that for politics? thats what i do in econometrics...i hate it. heteroskedasticity makes me laugh though cuz it shouldnt be a real word. i also feel like im taking greek cuz all my stats notes are just lambda gamma capital fi alpha beta chi squared...raaargh. i feel your pain there!
you are lucky though, my exams dont start til the 6th. and then they end on the 16th. LAME.
You silly silly boy. I am paid by a university to teach research methods. You should have just asked me for some help. Ok, admittedly, you did ask me once and I didn't know, but that was *before* I refreshed my skills and started teaching it. Now I can tell you all there is to know about eg heteroscedasticity. Including the fact that it has one syllable more than you gave it credit for... ;)
Seriously though, many congratulations on exam completion, and I look forward to hanging out with you soon <3 xx
Comments 7
you are lucky though, my exams dont start til the 6th. and then they end on the 16th. LAME.
Seriously though, many congratulations on exam completion, and I look forward to hanging out with you soon <3 xx
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