Everyone who has some extra cash this week to spare has to do me a huge favor. Go buy the Straylight Run CD. It's amazing and I'm trying to get as many people I know to go buy it. I'm tired of hearing about how Hawthorne Heights has the record for first week sales at Victory. HH is a fucking horrible excuse for a band. And don't give me none of that "dude, support you're local band" bullshit. Fuck the local bands. The last good local band was Eyes Upon Seperation. Anyway, at least Straylight Run has talent and originality to them. And they don't have three guitars for no fucking reason. So, spread the word to people if you don't have money. If you know someone who would like them, suggest it. The CD is absolutley amazing.
I miss Will Noon. I think I'm going to go see Straylight and Northstar at Bogarts so I can hang out.
"Sing me something soft, sad and delicate, or loud and out of key. Sing me anything."