am i pretty like uh cunt fuck?

Dec 16, 2004 21:11

Tell us about yourself kid
Name: Candi.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Girl.
Location: Carrollton (Suburb of Dallas), TX
Piercings?: I tried. My skin is too sensitive, unfortunately.
Tattoos?: Nope.
Hobbies: Filmmaking related stuff & reading.
Sexual Preference: Straight.

Food: I'm a sucker for anything Italian.
Movies: Anything with Brittany Murphy in it. Especially Spun. Also a big Kevin Smith fan.
person: Um. Hm. I really don't have a favorite person, but if you were asking me who my idol or something was it's my deceased stepfather or Rudy Ratzinger.
Music: I like a wide variety of music. I'm serious. It ranges from anywhere to terror EBM, metal (real metal, not nu-metal), riot grrl (Bikini Kill = <3) & hip hop. The only thing music-wise I can't really stand is emo & nu-metal.
Stores: CD Addict. I got Praga Khans', "Pragamatic" for about 5.99 there.
Color: Black, pink, neon green and orange together. :p
Celebrity: Brittany Murphy or Courtney Love
Talkshow Host: Lol. Jerry or maybe...Maury! Who's the baby daddy?
Articles of clothing: *Shrugs*

Gay Marriage: I'm for it. People who should be able to love who they want and freedom of religion is completely being disregarded while banning it. It's okay for them to force their beliefs on people who don't believe that way, but now when it comes to this Christmas controversy, it's not okay for us to do it? Fuck that.

Abortion: I personally, myself, would not ever do it, but I'm pro-choice because what happens if you'd die if the baby was born or even the baby? I also don't agree with the reasons of banning it. Religion, religion, religion. It's what it always comes down to.

Hot Topic: It's not as big of a deal as fucking anyone makes. Why does it matter where someone shops? You shouldn't be judging someone based on where they're shopping at. Okay, so yeah, most of them sell some pretty mallcore related things, but awhile back I went to one in Arlington and found some of The Wake, Skinny Puppy, Wumpscut, & Mission UK merchandise, so they don't all sell mallcore related things and if you have no clue who any of those are, you have no right to use the term, 'mallcore'. At least, in my opinion. They also had Le Tigre shirts. Woohoo.

Goodwill: I don't go there much, so I can't really form an opinion on it. I don't think people should be made fun of for buying things or being seen there either because if you judge a person based on where they shop, I think you have a few issues yourself.

Suicide: I hate when people say it's selfish and the easy way out. Let's see you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger and when you say, "They weren't thinking of anyone else but themselves *sob*", do you realize the contradiction in the statement at all? I'm really sick of seeing a lot of you 12 year olds who only THINK you're a psychiatrist.

Labels: I hate this I really do. Not labels, but the fact that's what people call it. If you do not know what a scene is, yet again, you have no right to use the term 'mallcore' or even bitch at people shopping at Hot Topic. x_X

Pre-Marital Sex: I'm for it. I believe it's a persons personal choice of when or when not to. I do believe you should always trust your gut instinct on the people you sleep with, though because if you don't, you're likely to get fucked over.

Drugs & Alcohol: I'm for them. I hate when people think all druggies are 'stupid nowhere losers'. A little news for you. I'm a straight A student and these are things I do. However, I don't like the people who don't do the research before doing them, don't understand everyone's body reacts differently, and little kids who think DXM is the coolest thing ever. However, I DO not support herion use. That is the one drug I will always be against. I also seem to hate people who have to ask, 'What's this pill?'. If you don't know what you're taking, you shouldn't even think about it.

God & Religion: I'm not a Christian and I really never have been a full-out Christian. I'm a pretty blasphemous human being and have been since I was a little girl. I don't agree with anything written in The Bible. I believe if there was a God like that, to me, he was like the Hitler of that era and yet, everyone wants to bow down to him? Oh, please.

Why do you think you should be accepted?: Because I was nice enough to join even though the community Kathy and I have is pretty d-e-a-d.
What do you think about the MODS fearxofxdying and poordeadkittie?: I've known Kathy for quite awhile and she's pretty rad. However, I don't know poordeadkittie too well :(
Do you like yourself?: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
Why or Why not?: Won't go into details.
Do you like turtles?: Yes. I had one once. It died. :( I think it died because my brother was feeding it his boogers. Yuck.


Woo. Okie.

Picture time kiddies! ::3 through 6 no more no less:: also post a 100x100 picture so if your accepted we can put your picture in the user info.

I'll do the 100x100 if you accept me. I don't want to do it for no reason at all lol. :p
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