Another half-yearly update...or so seems to be my trend. Must start writing here more. And finding people again.
(Little bit of) LIFE -
Christmas here was good, and I hope so was everyone else's! The minus a billion temperatures won't go away though.
I graduate with my law degree in June but now I'm thinking of doing a Masters in Public Policy or Global Governance and Ethics...or something along those lines. I never consdered a Masters before - I thought I couldn't afford it and that was it. But my mum said that if I really believed in what I was doing and thought I could take it further then she would help me out. There is just SO MUCH about this country I want to change... Realistically that's never going to happen. So the next best thing is to get my foot in the door somewhere where I can at least have an opinion heard. Either way - I haven't figured out my exact goals yet but I'm on a better track at least.
TWILIGHT.............. -
Anyway - I know I wrote about Twilight before. I was hestitant about starting it considering it's widely trashy-trashy reputation. But of course I succombed eventually. I've just started Breaking Dawn.
So to add the the other million reviews - here are my thoughts so far. The best thing to say is that's in an easy read. And I don't mean that in a good or bad way. It just is what it is.
I have a lot of bad stuff to say about the books. That said, I'm still reading them just like everyone else in the world so I clearly don't hate them enough to put them down.
The story is so basic and the writing is so simple (with adjectives overused and descriptions really hammered into you in a rather (imo) boring way). Bella adores Edward. He's called angelic about 593 times. And godlike 230 times. So it's very obvious, in-your-face, and easy to read... The character development is preeeeeeeetty terrible. Bella falls down a lot. And loves Edward. And falls. And loves Edward!!!!! Edward is godly, and is godly a lot, and loves Bella. Jacob is the only character I really enjoy reading about.
BUT having said that there is obviously something about it. It's simplicity must work in it's favour because it draws you into a world you can pretty much make your own.
Honestly though it's mainly good for easy escapism. And escapism is especially useful during dissertation-writing and revision times. Hence my reading. There's nothing wrong with that of course - escapism is one of the main reasons people read. So if it does that well, it's doing something very right.
Anyway knowing me (once I've finished the shadow hanging over me that is Water) I will have a stab at some kind of Twlight fic. Maybe.
I have two dissertations, courtesy of me picking a module with an 8000 word dissertaton to go alongside my main 10000 word dissertation. I used to write thousands of words in one day when I wrote fanfic! Damn them for not accepting fanfic!
Anyway my main dissertation is on the the distinction between assisted suicide at the patient's request, and the withdrawal of life-saving treatment at the patient's request (the former being illegal and the latter being illegal).
My second dissertation is on whether or not alcoholics should recieve lower priority for liver transplants based on alleged moral responsibility for their disease.
I won't go into detail (on this post, anyway), but those two topics are utterly consuming my life at the moment. Which is grim. But interesting.
As ever I hope everyone is doing well. Miss you and think of you often.