00: r e l a t i o n s h i p s

Sep 26, 2010 01:52


toyboxarmy // ✐✐ // Guy
A general. Strangely polite.

Useful? Potentially.

haswetpokemon // ✐ //
Kanto. Gym leader. Romantic type. First impression? Not great.

Useful? Maybe.

betterthanawiki // ✐✐✐✐ // Holy shit it's Uxie.
Holy shit every Zubat's wet dream oh my god it's Uxie oh my god its the being of knowledge I hope we can be bros holy shit.

Useful? Don't even.

animu_nerd // ✐✐✐ // Otacock.
Computer guy. Knows what he's talking about. Seems kinda awkward. God dammit I've been eaten by a grue like 35 times fuck this game even if it was free.

Useful? Yes.

4x4_of_manly // ✐ //
He's… a dude. Builds things? Yeah.

Useful? Something will inevitably blow up. Yes.

feelings_of // ✐ //
Information not available.

Useful? Pending.

bestsweater // ✐✐ //
Kanto. Gym leader. Dude its Brock he like lives in caves who doesn't know Brock. Has been reported to have very livable hair. Research forthcoming. One thousand siblings.

Useful? Could be!

things_go_boom // ✐ //
Frotastic. Very soft. Warning: Thrashes. Seems to be in the process of learning Pokemon.

Useful? Could be.

trick_room // ✐ //
Unreserved. Further information forthcoming, but seems cool.

Useful? Pending.

rockinthrutime // ✐ // Bob
Ihsifhsdiughdfiughgfeuwigsdkzhgiudshgfd god's a damn creeper.

Useful? Fuc.

reign_of_power // ✐✐ //
Holy shit a giant pigman. Teacher: Transfiguration & Sex Ed. Oh my god the keese won't fucking shut up.

Useful? Yes.

electriccharge // ✐ //
Information not available.


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[ooc - relationships]

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