[A small envelope is placed on Ranka's bed, in such a way that Ai-kun won't play with it. In it is the following letter. Only Ranka and characters she decides to show it to (aside from Vanille since she's the one who wrote it) knows the contents.]
I know this is sudden, that you're wondering where I am. I went back to Cocoon--I know I said I wouldn't but I can't stay on Frontier. You don't need me there anymore, I stayed too long, the vajra are getting too dangerous: all these are good enough reasons. The last one I don't think I need to explain, the second? The old man probably needs me back on Cocoon, he probably needs healing magic now. It'll be pretty tough coming up with a good reason why I was gone so long but I'm pretty sure I'll think of something.
Why don't you need me there? San Brera is protecting you now, San Sheryl is far better a role model than me--she's strong, confident, beautiful. Look to her for guidance if you need to. Kun Alto...is Kun Alto. You think of him as your best friend and I think there's more to that but that's not the point. Chan Nanase, Kun Luca and Michel...They're your friends. If you don't consider me a friend after this, I understand, but they'll help you more in the days to come. Maybe it's...
Ranka, there's a lot of things I want to say. A lot of things I want to do. As you know, I don't have time to waste but...but you have a long life ahead of you. Don't waste it on me, don't waste it on regret, on guilt. You said you had amnesia to me, that's a blessing. Some things aren't meant to be remembered. I'm taking...I'm taking that scrapbook you gave me, for Christmas. It's the least I could do for your hospitality.
I guess I have some advice before I go, and it'll sound stupid but, it's not a secret about what you feel about Alto. Tell him your feelings. If you don't, you'll just regret it for the rest of your life. If it's not right, then there'll be pain but it'll fade. If you don't at least try now, you'll never know and that will haunt you. Whether you take my advice or not doesn't matter, just think about it.
You've been a close friend and you deserve more, but I've written some of those prayers (with translations!) on the back of this note. You know, the ones you wanted to learn. You already know the gesture, so.
This is goodbye, I don't know if I'll see you again but remember: It's been good. Don't regret this.
Vanille--no. Oerba Dia Vanille
[and with that, the note ends, the paper flecked with spots that seem to have been damp at some point but now are dry.