a good question. a very good question. a question that i myself am quite familiar with as you well know. I suppose if we knew the answer, neither of us would be where we are. but the fact is we are. I know it sucks. I guess just try to make the best of it. I know, that is probably one of the least helpful things anyone could ever say. but at least its something. and try to remember that occasionally good things really do happen to good people... sometimes you just need to be patient and let them happen. once again, completely unhelpful. sadly, some questions just do not have a straight answer, especially the ones that really matter.
that's because there are no people in this world that are wholly evil or purely virtuous. everyone has a certain balance of good and bad, but it is confusing when the rewards people receive for their actions do not correspond with that balance.
Comments 6
people make terrible judges.
and it sympathises with it's fellows.
I have lots more where that came from.
i'm learning the art of donnyism.
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