alayne if you don't post your pictures, heads will roll...
the beach house with liz in front
early morning
star fish
cool rock (not haystack)
alayne sharing a fish with a seal (there was an aquarium in seaside where you could feed the seals and they all did different tricks to get their fish. super cute but inhumane... we still supported it though. hahahaha.
liz with the poor seal too
cutest seal in the world
more seals
i have too many pictures of alayne...
hahahaha you should never fall asleep with me in the car...
moving on to the house boat...
liz and kim on the tanning mattress
really pretty...
the day in the life of a movie star
liz in the inner tube
more pretty
this needs to be rotated but i don't know how...
kim wiping out water skiing
kim with the best face ever