Fic: Movie-verse - Roses Are Red

Jul 05, 2008 01:01

Title: Roses Are Red
Beta: None
Genre: I don't know... It's too short for a genre.
Characters: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich
Pairing: None
Rating: PG, at most
Spoiler: Umm... Episode four. And Alfons' existance.
Timeline: Post-series, pre-movie
Warning: I don't even know why I have this here.

There were several things that Edward left out of his elaborate stories, as he told them. His brother being an empty suit of armor being only one of those - and deaths were another thing he skimmed over. Alfons had a hard enough time believing his adventures without adding that the boy's room mate was - in all honesty - a murderer.

As if explaining that he turned the blue rose into a ribbon and used that to deflect the man's sword wasn't an extreme enough situation for the blond to swallow. Ed often got so caught up in the re-telling of his adventure - and wording it all just right - that he often forgot about the skeptical critic waiting to explain away every 'impossibility' or 'inaccuracy' present in the older boy's fairytale.

"You can't really expect me to believe that she grew blue roses, Ed. Dyed them, maybe but-" Alfons quickly gave up trying to reason with his room mate, mid-sentence. Edward was watching him sullenly from across the table, and he rather hated when the smaller boy pouted like that.

"I don't know why you don't become a writer." He offered, instead. "You're very creative, and everything you tell is- well... exciting. It's just... Not believable." He sighed, all the pretense of cheer lost as Ed continued to stare at him, unimpressed. "Maybe if you stopped making everything about alchemy, they'd be easier to-"

Ed got to his feet without a word, pushed his chair under the table and started for the door. He didn't say anything as he grabbed his coat, opening the door and stepping through it without pause.

"Wait, Ed- where are you going?"

His only response came as the firm click of the door being shut.

fic, prompt: roses are red, edward, public, prompts, alfons, ed

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