Title: Only In Dreams
Beta: none
Genre: angst
Characters: uhh.. Edward
Pairing: RoyxEd, technically
Rating: PG?
Spoiler: This is a complete AU so technically none.
Timeline: If you're not familiar with the AU this is taken from, it seems movie-verse... but it's not.
Warning: Uhh... I can't really think of anything.
Edward was in that state of half-consciousness where sleep hadn't yet been achieved, but even with effort eyes wouldn't open, when he felt arms slip around him from behind. Roy pressed a kissed to the back of his neck, and the blond pressed back against him contently. Behind him the presence was firm and unmoving, and Ed smiled to himself. He'd missed this, it was comforting - it was all he'd known for almost two years before they'd been separated.
Roy whispered something into his hair and Ed murmured in his sleep, a habit even death could not break him of. "Roy..." And the quiet word alone, or perhaps the vibration of his own throat was enough to stir him fully awake.
It was the middle of the night, no one was awake. Edward was alone in the room, carefully tucked into the sofa with a spare set of sheets and no matter how hard he looked at them they were white. Not blue, not the sheets Roy kept on the bed that he slept in.
The solid form behind him was merely the back of the couch, there was no 'other side' of this 'bed' for Roy to be sleeping on. He crawled out from under the covers and crept to the door silently, sneaking out of the apartment.
He hated to make Alfons worry, but waking up to that there wasn't much more he could do but take a walk. He'd be back before anyone else woke up, he was sure of that. He just needed to clear his head, and remember that there was no way back home. That he was never going to see Roy again, only that man who had looked so much like him, knowing that it wasn't - none of them ever are - had hurt.
Edward sighed, staring up at the stars silently when the realization struck him. The words Roy had whispered into his hair after kissing him.
"I miss you."