• Please avoid godmodding. You will receive a warning if this occurs. If it continues, you will be banned.
• Be nice and act like an adult! That means that you should not cause drama. If you have an issue, please bring the issue to a moderator's attention instead.
• We understand that typos and grammatical errors can happen, but please keep it to a minimum. So use livejournal's amazing spell checker and remember to proofread whenever you can.
• Players are required to post a minimum of two journal entries a month an an average of one log a month for each character. If you fail to do so and have not given notice, you will be dropped.
• Remember to give notice if you are going to be gone for an extended period of time by posting up a hiatus notice in the OOC comm or contacting any one of the mods. You will drag down the RPG if you are inactive. So if you believe you cannot play a character any more, it would be best if you put up a notice and drop the character.
• A player may only be on hiatus for one month. Please talk to a mod if it is any longer or you will be dropped from the game.
• Activity checks will occur every 7 weeks. We will give ample warning for whenever an activity check rolls around.
•There is a three character maximum for every player. If you are not active with all or one of your characters, they will be taken from you.
• You will only be allowed to apply for another character once you have been playing the one you have consistently for a month.
• Please tag your logs properly with all the characters involved.
• When you are posting in the OOC community about going on hiatus, please remember to tag it with "hiatus".
• When you post a log please use this template: