Title: The Conundrum about Fragile
Pairing: Hyunjoong/Youngsaeng
Genre: Romance, Slice-of-life
Rating: G
Summary: Are things that are fragile… really fragile?
[A/N: Based on the final few paragraphs of the author’s note in Neil Gaiman’s ‘Fragile Things’. This story is dedicated to Kenneth, though he may not read it, for he bought me the book two or three years ago when I did not appreciate it. And now, years later, this is the thanks from me because I love it and it is the source of much of my inspiration.]
Hyunjoong stares at the scene in front of him in surprise. He’s never thought a day would come that he would see this - Youngsaeng shouting at his mother… No, scolding his mother with an expression so fierce it would scare a lion.
He never took Youngsaeng as that sort of person. His boyfriend was the quiet sort - never really saying too much so that one word conveyed layers of meaning Hyunjoong had to take apart. Physically, he was small - shorter than Hyunjoong, and slim of build. Not the sort you’d feel intimidated by, although Hyunjoong would testify to times he’d felt terrified by the smaller man. His glare could be deadly, but that was a different sort of scary than what he saw before him now. You could say that Hyunjoong thought Youngsaeng to be someone, well… fragile.
The Youngsaeng before him so fierce and so filled with strength. That Hyunjoong now felt small… and protected. And he never thought he’d needed to be protected before.
Hyunjoong had always thought he was the one who would protect Youngsaeng. And he had - from perverts, irritating salesmen, and nature. But Hyunjoong had never thought that his mom’s beating him was ever a problem. Over the years, it had become routine. A way of life. His mom loved him, but she was stressed too, and so he’d borne the insults and bruises until they became second nature. Until they became easier to deal with.
Youngsaeng had been an uplift in his life - and he only now realizes that he’s been using Youngsaeng as a balm for his wounds. Youngsaeng must have gotten fed up with that and Hyunjoong doesn’t blame him. No one should be used as a tool for something else they didn't sign on for.
He watches as Youngsaeng screams his final bit, and pulls a dazed Hyunjoong out of the door. The shouts and cries of his mother ring out from behind them, but Hyunjoong knows that neither of them care. He’s free, and it’s because of Youngsaeng. And he wonders how a person he saw as fragile could do such a thing.
Then, he is reminded of egg shells which can hold up a pile of books. Of ants easily squished carrying ten times their body weight. Of hearts easily broken pumping life into a person, so dependable we sometimes forget.
And he smiles.
Apparently, fragile things are the strongest after all…