Title: Venus and Mars
Pairing: KyuJong/JungMin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: When two mentalities collide…
[A/N: For
mskatness … I’m not sure if I wrote the prompt right though…]
My mind, it kind of goes fast…
…I'll try to slow it down for you?
JungMin is the one who is always jumping from thought to thought, and KyuJong usually has a hard time keeping up. If JungMin’s thoughts took actual form, KyuJong thinks they probably would be bees - buzzing and busy, flitting from one place to the next, a noisy blur.
It is why he doesn’t expect the expression of shock on JungMin’s face when KyuJong talks about the future - about getting couple rings, then maybe a house, and if the legal rules change, perhaps marriage would be on the platter.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, leaning up to caress JungMin’s strong jaw which has gone tense and is hurt to find him pulling away.
“It’s nothing.” JungMin says shortly as he walks away and KyuJong is left confused, staring at the retreating back of a stoic man.
“He’s scared.” Is what YoungSaeng says when KyuJong seeks him for help.
“Scared?” KyuJong blinks, wondering how his strong and dependable JungMin could be scared.
YoungSaeng quirks an eyebrow and a wry smile crossing his face as he guesses KyuJong’s thoughts. “Of commitment.”
KyuJong still looks confused, and YoungSaeng sighs as he enlightens the poor man.
“He has a guy’s mentality.” YoungSaeng says with the patience of a wizened teacher teaching a flighty pupil. “Which is basically to avoid any responsibility as possible. He just doesn’t want to be tied down so soon, so when you started talking about marriage, he bolted.”
“Oh.” KyuJong feels slightly dumb. “Then why didn’t he tell me that?”
YoungSaeng gives him a look that makes him feel as if he’s regressed to kindergarten. And he whispers in a small voice. “Oh.”
“We don’t need to get married you know.”
JungMin blinks before turning around in surprise, looking for the source of the voice. He takes a while to find it, needing to dig through a few pillows before unearthing a shy KyuJong from beneath.
“What?” JungMin stares quizzically at KyuJong.
“What I said the other day… we don’t need to get married if you don’t want to.” KyuJong says softly, poking a finger at an unfortunate cushion. “Or get a house, or couple rings, or any thing you don’t want to do.”
Shrinking further into the couch, KyuJong’s voice is so soft, JungMin has to strain his ears to catch the: “I don’t really care about those… only that I’m with you…”
There is a pause, then a snort which causes KyuJong to look up so violently, a passer-by would be worried he sprained his neck.
“Cheesy.” JungMin rolls his eyes and KyuJong’s mouth drops open in astonishment. “Your words… they’re really cheesy.”
KyuJong sniffles, tears prickling against his eyes as he mutters something even he doesn’t understand before he tried to suffocate himself with the pillows.
He yelps when he is thwarted and suddenly, there is lips pressing against his own and he it is only after they detach themselves that KyuJong remembers what thoughts are.
He stares at JungMin and his smirk in confusion, and it’s only minutes after that he gets JungMin’s explanation of “Then again, I like cheese.”
KyuJong giggles, suddenly reminded of the saying about men and their stomachs, and he shakes his head before thwacking JungMin on the head.
“Hey! What?!”
“Tch… You’re such a manly man.”