Title: First Kiss
Genre: Fluff, Humor, AU
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Hyukjae/Donghae, !ninja Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Summary: The things you do when you’re thirteen…
[A/N: For
tees2mai , because the other fic I promised will probably take a while. Written for the sake of writing because I haven’t written anything suju in a long time.]
It’s because Hyukjae and Donghae are best friends forever that they got into this situation. Donghae has always been the leader of the two, and Hyukjae has no way of refusing when the younger suddenly suggests that they practice kissing.
“For future reference!” Donghae insists when Hyukjae stares bug-eyed at him. “I heard girls like guys with experience! So this way, we will have experience and we can bowl over any girl!”
So they get into position, shifting until they are comfortable (which is almost never with your best friend a few inches away from your face), and it is Donghae who finally sighs in exasperation at all the twitching and awkwardness and presses soft lips against even softer ones.
Second later, they’re grappling at each other, hands sliding into hair, around waists, around necks. They’re going at it like seasoned pros, and you wouldn’t have known that this was their first time kissing.
But their amateurism is revealed, as minutes later, there is a loud thump that reverberates through the house. Donghae’s mother goes up to investigate, and shrieks when she sees the two boys on the floor, passed out from kissing too long without breathing.
As maternal instinct rampages in the room, Donghae’s elder brother, Sungmin, peers inside, snickering. Behind him is Kyuhyun, their next door neighbour who had come over because his mom finally confiscated the power plug to his computer.
He stares quizzically at the two and looks at Sungmin for an explanation. Kyuhyun maybe able to tell the random passerby what the relative velocity is of a car moving at 10 km/h against a plane which is flying at an average speed, but he certainly is a stranger to topics of the heart.
Instead, Sungmin chuckles to himself and replies cryptically. “They’ll probably use the same excuse to have sex with each other.”
That night, when Kyuhyun gains the use of his computer again, he researches the word ‘sex’ and is equal parts appalled and in awe. He doesn’t understand, however, why Sungmin comes into his mind as he reads up on the different positions and ‘flexibility’.