Player Information
Name: Dan
Personal LJ:
deisasterAge: 20
Contact Info: deisastered (AIM)
Other Characters Played: None
Character Information
Character Name: North Italy
Character Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character Age: Physically, around 20
Character Gender: Male
Original Canon
Canon Point: 1942, during WW2,
Background Link:
North Italy/Feliciano's page at the APH Wikia and
the history of Italy.Personality: There's a good reason why 'Hetalia' means 'useless Italy'. North Italy seems, overall, to pretty much a waste of space. Well, when it comes to fighting and serious business that is. He is the exact opposite of Germany and his orderly ways; he is disorganized, lazy and has little motivation to do anything unless it's painting, cooking or eating. With this dislike for warfare, it should be no surprise to hear that Italy is a major coward. He'll run, hide, do anything to avoid capture, but when he is he'll end up babbling whatever it is his captor wants to hear and more. Anything to make sure that they don't hit him.
Feliciano is highly dependent on other people, Germany in particular. But although he needs them mainly for protection, he enjoys being sociable and making friends. He likes to remain positive about things, and will try to cheer people up if they're upset. Mostly by making them pasta, because obviously that solves everything. In addition he is also very, very, very affectionate. Depending on what kind of person you are-- you will either find this behavior incredibly adorable or extremely uncomfortable. He has no problem announcing that he loves someone-- even if he doesn't mean in that way-- and will openly run to people for kisses and hugs. Once somebody agrees to be his friend, he's very quick to lavish with them with attention- so much so that it usually ends up being over the top.
Along with being affectionate, Feliciano also has an eye for the ladies. While he doesn't sleep around or anything like that (he's actually a virgin and a Catholic), he enjoys making girls feel good by telling them that they're pretty and generally being nice to them. A happy girl makes for a happy Feliciano. Of course, he's also a complete and utter dunce. He doesn't understand a lot of things, and has the level of curiosity that one would expect from a child. As well as the patience and attention span of one. He finds it hard to listen when anyone else provides a long explanation, but he also tends to rant himself and wander off subject.
He would much rather play than work. As evidenced in canon, he enjoys sports like football and is pretty good at them, but loathes Germany's training sessions, seeing them more as torture. When he's forced to exercise during these sessions, he tends not to try very hard. Unless he gets a fright or just gets plain fed up and decides to bolt, you wouldn't see he can, in fact, run so fast that it's hard to even catch up with him.
Despite being such a coward, there's a part of Feliciano that wants to prove his worth. When the mood strikes him, he runs headfirst into trouble and picks a fight. Of course, these brief moments of bravery are quickly over once he calls for Germany's assistance. He is capable of fighting and doing it well though, as shown in one comic where kid Feliciano manages to beat up Turkey.
Abilities: As a nation, he is nearly immortal and recovers from injuries at a very fast pace. The real impacts on his health only come from the state of his country- a bad economy can mean a cold, for example.
Sample Entry:
It had been an eventful morning for Italy. Most likely, it'd end up even more eventful later when he finally made it to meeting Germany. The other had told him to be there for training at 10am; it was now running close to 12 and the Italian still wasn't there.
He hadn't slept in too much in the first place. He'd left his bed at half 10, eaten breakfast until 11 and had left to meet up with the German after that. It just happened to be that a very pretty lady struggling with some heavy shopping on her way home. Of course, there was no way Italy could stop and let her carry those bags all by herself. He had insisted on walking her down the street, making sure she could carry the bags inside the door. Blowing her a kiss, he walked off, temporarily forgetting what his original goal was.
After that, he'd found a nice cat and spent a good few minutes petting it, considering if he should find it's owner or take it with him. Not all pets have homes, and what if this one was homeless? Going with the latter, he'd picked it up, resulting in a rather nasty scratch. It hurt, and he'd felt like crying, but the best thing to do was walk on and see if Germany could patch him up when they finally met.
That was the moment he realised he was late. With that, he rushed off at a speed faster than he was likely to accomplish for the rest of the day.
He came running up to the wall, looking around to see if his friend was anywhere to be seen. Italy really didn't want to be shouted at again, or made to run extra laps. He hadn't even had enough time to eat a full breakfast, and would probably have ti skip lunch at this rate.
With one last look around, Italy began to feel very lucky. Germany didn't seem to be there yet!