Friday Night Antics

Apr 09, 2005 13:46

It all started with a drive to go get Molly. A word of advice: Don't tell Sean to pull down his pants unless you're absolutely sure you want to see his hairy white thighs.

We went to the sculpture gardens where I pretended to be a spaceship . I'm pretty awesome like that.

Molly decided to try her hand at being the pilot of the alien spacecraft. She almost got us both killed.

Then MLE and Molly decided to try and be cute. I think it worked. The end result was emilolly

Next we went inside a building. It smelled like delicious in there. I think I might become a bum and camp there.

I carried my bride across the threshold. I'm pretty sure she didn't want me, but we walked through some plants so that's that.

Next we went to some brick thing that I really couldn't make out in the dark. I should probably go there when it's light sometime. We posed like big dorks, here are the results.

Levi is a sassy little thing.

Molly trying to be tough.

MLE making me uncomfortable, or so says my face.

Me trying to make my shoulders come out of their sockets. Oh the things I'll do to try and look cool.

Then came the brick wall. I think Levi's face says it all.

We did a lot of wandering. Here's some pre-bridge pictures.

This is Levi with his feet not on the ground.

Here's me hugging the shovel end of the excavator with Emily hugging my leg. I tried to shake her off but she had a death grip.

On the bridge we decided to be as xhxcxxxxxxx as possible. I'm pretty sure we're awesome.





We went to Perkins after where we got an a-hole of a waiter. They tipped him way to well. I fished about 43 cents out of my pocket and slapped it on the table. Being nice to customers is key in getting good tips. After that we dropped Molly off at home. She stole my sweatshirt. I'm pretty sure that she either wants to die or doesn't realize how much of a bad ass I really am. After dropping lame Molly home we headed back to the apartment where I was tickled. I don't think those two really know what kind of ass kickings they are heading for. Emily left and then some of our drunk friends decided they should try to break into our apartment. Man was that not a good idea. A few arguments and mad people later I went to sleep. So much for a quiet end to the night.

Ps. I don't really know what examinate means, but I'm probably pretty examinate right now.

Pps. By the looks of this icon guy, I guess I'm not examinate.
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