What are the best things about you? I have big hair? Haha, no seriously...I am really open-minded and easy to get along with.
What are some awards/honors you've won? Um, most likely to succeed, best actress, best singer, nicest eyes (all at PAI)
Name something nice you've done for others: I'll admit it...everything sort of nice I do is really for the resume.
Do you pray? Not really
Do you believe in the Lord your Savior? Not in the 'lord your savior' stuff, but i believe there is a higher force...probably not a god, but i believe in fate, so there's gotta be something controlling it.
Do you wear cute clothing? I like to think so!
Do you get along with your parents? yes, very much so.
Do you keep childhood items around? I have so many stuffed animals, it's not even funny.
Do you believe in love? Yes.
What do you dream of? Growing up, starting a family, having my own theatre company, living in a big log house in the middle of nowhere (massachussetts preferably), being able to pay off my parents debt.
Describe your ideal wedding: I'd get married outside, in a beautiful garden somewhere. It wouild be small, just with the necessary friends and family there-people I want there, not just people that I feel obligated to invite. I'd wear the beautiful white dress i wore at freshman year prom...white strapless number with the the coolest hidden my wonderful boyfriend. we'd dance all night and then people would blow bubbles as we bound down the stairs to the awaiting car to whisk us away. we'd then go to santarini or athens or venice. sigh....
How many children would you like to have (and their names)? 2 preferably, 1 boy- Either Caleb Lucas or Lucas Rand and 1 girl- Hannah Faye or Shiri Rose
If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you'd buy? I'd pay off my parent's LARGE LARGE debt, then by myself a house :)
Are you a virgin? No.
If not, how many people have you had sex with? One.
If so, how far have you gotten? ...
What are your fetishes? Um....I don't really think I have one- I do love massages though...
What are sexual things you'd never do? There's not much I wouldn't do, but I would never want to bring another woman in, because I could never sit back and watch Shane receive pleasure from another girl- it would just hurt me so much
With whom would you like to have sex? Shane, and John Mayer...
Have you ever been on birth control? Yes, currently.
Have you ever been pregnant/gotten a STD? No and I don't plan on being anytime soon!!! Condoms + BC = GOOD PLANNING
Have you ever been drunk? Not really drunk, tipsy though.
Have you ever been high? No.
Have you ever gotten into a physical fight? No.
Have you ever lied to a loved one? Not seriously.
Do you say mean things about people behind their backs (if so, what)? Yea all the time. I make fun of the freshman A LOT.
Do you say mean things about people to their faces (if so, what)? I told Kevin just what I thought about him. Then he started kissing my ass about 2 weeks later.
What makes you angry? Too many things to name. Basically, don't be close-minded and don't call me a whore or anything along those lines.
What do you regret? Getting over being hurt by people way to easily
What are you afraid of? Lots of things- being raped, throwing up, little things... but especially seeing my mom or dad die in pain- if they're going to go, i don't want it to be because of their illnesses
Gross personal hygeine habits? I poop... a lot. And I don't shower immediately after physical excercise- I shower the next morning.
What's the worst thing about you? I am very opinionated.
What's the nastiest thing you've ever done? Jesus I have no idea.
What kind of pranks have you pulled? None good enough to mention.
Have you ever had sex for money/ulterior reasons? No.
Have you ever used/manipulated anyone? Probably.
Have you ever made someone else cry? Yes.
Why are you, specifically, going to hell? Oh geez. Knowing my luck, the Catholics ARE right, so basically I did everything wrong.