Wow, that was long ! i know the real gina...( i already knew all of that info lol) why do u stay up so late to do that lol, u must have been really really bored ! xoxo Erin
I didnt finish...I stoped when I realized the WAY LoNg ...well u forgot Moose (nicknames) and pleather is fake/cheaper/more humane leather lol just FoR Ur InFoRmAtIon hee
Hey vaGina!! hahh. omg that is so funny. I forgot all about that!! and ovalivia and testatini hahh. We need to try to get together while i am down..wen r u free from the 28th-30th?? I Hope that there is enough time! Well ill ttyl hope to c u soon! love, x~0 *~*LaLa*~*.....oo and i would do nething for a thousand dollars?
idk u seem like ud do anything for 1000 bux or at least find a way to do it. or maybe just be more interested than anyone else might be. lol idk... u just came to mind. mwah haha. LOL TESTETINI! that was a great one!! xoxo
Hey, omgsh im talking online with you right now lol "snoopE312 [6:30 P.M.]: or elypticazing with u" lol thats awesome! " snoopE312 [6:25 P.M.]: i LOVE laughing for no reason!" R to the ISL...cant wait till monday and lets hope that "u kno what" runs out by then lol < there i go again with the lol.....xoxo Erin
ElYpTiCaZiNg w/ u!! lololol! omgsh.. after i got offline w. u, i went into the family room and my brother had on spongebob (lol at first i wrote spongeboob mwah haha..theres a great visual image). anyway he had on spongebo(o)b and it was patrick and spongebob and they were being like really stupid during one of miss puffs lessons at driving skool. and like laughing at stupid things that we would TOTALLY say! and passing notes...i wanted to call u but it was over rele quickly! i was like wow that looks familiar. hee hee it was so great. spongebob even did a face that u've done b4 when u were trying to hold in a laugh during class. lol. i heart u! ~*GiNa
Wow, that sounds sooo funny, i think i have seen that before lol......we are soo like spongebo(o)b and Patrick lol and miss puff was mrs wienrib R to the ISL !!! Good times...1 MORE DAY WOOT WOOT! call me later xoxo Erin
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