The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
pulchra_regina and
beanotheduck were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?o god. um. i dont think either of them would ever agree to be the sidekick. both of them would be like 'im totally the hero!' and call the other the side kick when they werent around. (come on sara, steph. you know its true.)Who would make a better stuffed animal,
flipshit or
freudiandoll?ha ha allison would totally be a red robin stuffed animal! melissa would just be epi-pen.Can
maharani07 raise the dead to perform common household tasks?totally. meg is cool like that.What kind of book would
superfishy63 and
socraticmachine jointly write?latin/Greek poetry- katy would write it, and zak would translate itWhy did
instinctvslogic cross the road?to walk to jp's house?What kind of person would you set up with
_inanition_?anyone who does not embody fuglyesterly characteristicsWhat was
semicharmedl wearing, the last time you noticed?hmm, jeans and a t-shirt? i dont really rememberWhat is
emilyshortcake's fantasy?to drive down and visit me every weekend when she goes to U of mich?Where would you take
paratodavida79 on a vacation?we could go to france with our lack of french skillz!What is
nat_vireal's favorite movie?i dont actually know
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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