Name: janelle
Nickname(s)?: nel, nelly, jnell, jake
Age: 17
Occupation: student and i work at a bookstore
Strengths: listener, gets stuff done
Weaknesses: quiet, insecure, easily distracted
3 Favorite Books: flyboys, cirque du freak series, feed
3 Favorite Movies: (you all know i love BoB, or i wouldn't even be here so i won't mention that one) the outsiders, casino royale, black hawk down
3 Favorite Musicians/Bands: johnny cash, nickleback, emerson drive
3 Heroes: roger bowers (WWII medic from my hometown), maya angelou, anyone who serves/served our country.
Describe yourself in 3 Words: kind, sarcastic, patient
Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert
Hard Worker or Layabout (or somewhere in between)?: depends what it is, if its something i love i'll pour myself in to it, if i don't really like it it'll get 90% effort.
Are you the leader type?: i'll make sure everything gets done, and everyone does their job, but i don't like the limelight that comes with leadership.
Are you adept at raising others' spirits?: in my own way, yes. kinda like lip in either bastogne or why we fight (yall are gonna shoot me for not being able to remember which) where he goes around and says stuff to everyone to make sure they're okay.
Do you consider yourself popular?: no, i have a lot of friends but i'm not popular.
People who first meet you probably think you are: hjmm..i'm quiet alot so they probably think i'm depressed or angry
How do you handle high-pressure situations?: depends on the situation but i usually find someone to talk to just to clear my head.
Are you self-motivated, or do you rely on the encouragement of others?: i can do stuff on my own but encouragement is really nice.
Do you work through unpleasant situations for your own satisfaction, or to prove yourself to others?: i usually do stuff for my own satisfaction, people tend to not really notice how much work i put in to things
Favorite Easy Company soldier? Why?: its hard to pick.. buck because he likes baseball, i like baseball, how do you go wrong there?
Favorite Episode/Part? Why? hmm..i like points because they're all so happy at the end. and there is baseball!
Which solider do you most relate to, personally? Why?: i'd say lip. he does his job and helps everyone out.
Do you have a favorite BoB quote? Please share: ohh there are so many.
Skip Muck: Right now, some lucky bastard's headed for the Pacific, get put on some tropical island, surrounded by six naked native girls, helping him cut up coconuts so he can hand feed them to the flamingos.
Joe Domingus: Flamingos are mean. They bite.
Skinny Sisk: So do the naked native girls.
Perco: With any luck.
I you could have taken home one souvenir from the war in Europe, it would have been: a luger. or possibly some of hitler's alcohol.
When you get back home from the war, the first thing you're going to do is: sleep. and eat good, homecooked food.
Please Post at Least One Clear Picture of Yourself, or Give us a Description of How You Look: i don't particularly like this one but i'm not hassling with uploading another so..