I'm wondering if a young Christian (Shepard) is going to show up with young Widmore. And, yeah, I've wondered about the Emily Linus/Emily Locke thing, too.
Also, I'm sooo hoping they'll go back to when the Black Rock ended up on the island. And maybe we'll see Danielle's backstory, too. I miss that crazy French chick.
Plusplusplus I keep wondering who Adam and Eve (from the caves, season 1) are going to be. There are lots o' possible couples it could be, and the island could totally go back in time far enough to that time whenever they died and laid to rest in the caves (right now, I'm thinking Daniel and Charlotte, only 'cause I don't think Charlotte's gonna make it)
Daniel obviously knows what's up with Charlotte....but do you think he's DOING it? I mean, they're saying you can't mess up time, because whatever happens has already happened (errr, whatever....)
...but if he's changing something...like getting them to bury the Jughead...as he gets closer and closer to convincing them...is Charlotte getting worse? lol...like how people turned invisible in BACK TO THE FUTURE.
"executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse [were asked] if the time-tripping remaining castaways are at risk of running into their "younger selves." The answer? "The characters are trying to avoid [that]," says Cuse, "but they may encounter other iterations of themselves."
Comments 5
Also, I'm sooo hoping they'll go back to when the Black Rock ended up on the island. And maybe we'll see Danielle's backstory, too. I miss that crazy French chick.
Plusplusplus I keep wondering who Adam and Eve (from the caves, season 1) are going to be. There are lots o' possible couples it could be, and the island could totally go back in time far enough to that time whenever they died and laid to rest in the caves (right now, I'm thinking Daniel and Charlotte, only 'cause I don't think Charlotte's gonna make it)
...but if he's changing something...like getting them to bury the Jughead...as he gets closer and closer to convincing them...is Charlotte getting worse? lol...like how people turned invisible in BACK TO THE FUTURE.
"executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse [were asked] if the time-tripping remaining castaways are at risk of running into their "younger selves." The answer? "The characters are trying to avoid [that]," says Cuse, "but they may encounter other iterations of themselves."
Good work, Tony!
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