I’ve uttered one word since Massachusetts stood up to bigotry, refusing to let voters decide a civil right - “Mah-widge”.. as in “Mah-widge is a say-quid institution” (Monty Pythoners out there can probably cite the exact scene this comes from. I, thinking this was Mel Brooks until a few minutes ago, cannot
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Comments 4
Clergyman: Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethaw today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam.... Then wove, twue wove, will follow you fowever... So tweasure youw...
Humperdink: Skip to the end!
Clergyman: Have you the wing? Do you Pwincess Buttecwup...
Humperdink: Man and wife! Say man and wife!
Clergyman: Man and Wife.
I believe it's [from|also from] "The Princess Bride".
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